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USA Freedom Corps Volunteer Network
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Picture - Men in meeting. - Picture - Women at desk.
For Volunteers

VfP e-newlsetter "The Volunteer Voice" Archive

To view an issue, click on the corresponding edition below.

March 2007

  • A Message from the Director
  • Partners Corner - New Feature on the VfP Website
  • Medical Teams International Honors nearly 400 Volunteers with Presidential Award
  • United Planet Announces Group Volunteer Opportunities for Summer 2007
  • VfP Partner Spotlight: Medical Teams International
  • Volunteer Profile: Marie Davis, Nurse

December 2006

  • Volunteers for Prosperity Releases 2006 Annual Report
  • VfP Supports President�s Malaria Initiative
  • USA Freedom Corps Director Recognizes VfP Volunteer for International Voluntary Service
  • VfP Partners Honor Volunteers!
  • Geekcorps Volunteers to Help Launch Digital Freedom Initiative in South Africa
  • VfP Partner Spotlight: CHF International
  • Volunteer Profile: Cindy Owings, Small Business Owner
  • Find a Specific International Voluntary Service Opportunity!

September 2006

  • VfP Marks Third Anniversary
  • Support International Volunteers!
  • VfP Partner Spotlight: CURE International
  • Volunteer Profile: Jen Martin, Pediatric Oncology Nurse
  • Where VfP Partners Work Around the World - New Feature on VfP Web Site

July 2006

  • Third International Roundtable on Service and Volunteering Focuses on Global Disaster Response
  • New VfP Brochure Available
  • VfP Becomes Leadership Organization for the President�s Volunteer Service Award
  • VfP Partner Spotlight: Cross-Cultural Solutions
  • Volunteer Profile: Lindsey Inouye, M.D.

April 2006

  • Volunteers for Prosperity (VfP) Participates in White House Volunteer Fair in Support of National Volunteer Week
  • New Partners Initiative for Global AIDS Fight
  • Global AIDS Coordinator is New Head of USAID
  • VfP Partner Spotlight: International Medical Corps
  • Volunteer Profile: Maqsud Ahmad Dean - Medical Assistant Brings Relief to Pakistan Quake Survivors

USA Freedom Corps Department of State Department of Commerce Department of Health and Human Services USAID