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Facility INformation Detail (FIND)

Welcome to FIND! - Facility information at your fingertips.

What is FIND? How Do I Find Information in FIND?
What Are FIND's Limitations? Additional Information
What Information Does FIND Provide?  

Start Searching!

What is FIND?

The South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) has developed a web tool that allows you to search for public information about AQMD-regulated facilities (that is, facilities that are required to have a permit to operate equipment that releases pollutants into the air).  The system is called  FIND (Facility INformation Detail). There are several existing web-based applications on our website that provide information about specific subject matter, however, FIND makes the data available to you in a more consolidated way to provide a "one-stop" location for finding facility information.

The information in FIND comes from our AQMD enterprise database. Regularly scheduled updates are made to this data at least once per week.  In the interactive map, the AQMD data is supplemented with baseline map data from TeleAtlas (February 2006) that includes streets and school locations, and aerial imagery from the U.S. Geological Service.

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What are FIND's Limitations?

Please keep in mind there are limitations to FIND and ways to use it most effectively.  As with any system that uses data from many sources, we anticipate that users may find some information that is not up-to-date, is missing, or is not accurate.  Also keep in mind that AQMD provides this information as a resource tool and uses its best efforts to make it as useful as possible.  AQMD does not, however, take any responsibility for a person or company relying on the information obtained through FIND; and does not have any control or responsibility for how the information obtained is used by a person or company.

Some of the other key things to note include the following:

  1. Why are some facilities missing from the results of a geographical search?  Not all facilities with permitted equipment have been geo-coded (that is, the facility address has not been converted into geographical coordinates) and some have been geo-coded erroneously.  The amount and quality of the geo-coded data will improve over time.

  2. Why does an active facility have no active permits or applications?  There are several ways a facility can be part of AQMD's enterprise database and having permitted equipment is the most common.  Examples of other types of active facilities include facilities subject to Rule 2202 (On-Road Motor Vehicle Mitigation Options) or facilities that have outstanding Emission Reduction Credits that can still be traded.

  3. Why does FIND return a result of "NONE" for Notices to Comply (NCs) when there have been notices issued for a particular facility?  An NC is a "fix it" ticket that is issued for minor administrative or paperwork violations, such as having incomplete records or not posting a copy of the permit near the equipment.  If the recipient fixes the problem within two weeks, AQMD does not take additional action.  The FIND Compliance page returns only the most recent NCs, those received since January 1, 2003, so older NCs will not be found.  If you need to find an older NC, you will need to make a public records request.

  4. How much information can I retrieve?  In order to maintain acceptable performance levels for everyone, the number of rows you can retrieve is currently limited to 3000.  If your request exceeds this limit you will be asked to refine your search.

  5. Browser Information.  FIND has been designed to run using Internet Explorer (version 5 or higher).  For best results, use a screen setting of 1024 X 768 pixels with a "Text Size" setting of Medium (or Small).

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What Information Does FIND Provide?

FIND provides non-confidential facility information, organized by links to detail pages. You can access the detailed information for each topic by clicking on the appropriate tab in the blue bar below the title (see image below).  Information available within each tab is as follows:

Facility Details tab: facility name, address, facility status (active, out-of-business, etc.) and standard industrial classification code.

Equipment List tab: application and permit number, permit and application status, application and permit issue dates, and equipment type and description.  The application number links to an Application Details page that includes a link to the permit image (if available).

Compliance tab: history of notices of violation and recent notices to comply (from January 2003 to present).  NOV and NC details can be viewed by clicking on the notice number.

Emissions tab: reported criteria and toxic emissions by year and pollutant type for the years that data are currently available in the database.  Note that not all active facilities are required to submit an annual emissions report, only those emitting more than 4 tons/year of any criteria pollutant (CO, NOx, ROG, SOx, or particulates) or any amount of a toxic pollutant.

Hearing Board tab: case tracking data and imaged documents.

The link on active tab will be underlined to help you identify where you are in the detail pages (Facility Details in the example image below). 

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How Do I Find Information in FIND?

FIND  provides access to consolidated public information about regulated facilities.  This information includes facility details, equipment lists, compliance history, reported emissions, and hearing board case details.  This flexible inquiry module provides you with three (3) different ways to search for information.

Three Different Ways to Search

  1. You can search broadly by facility name, street name, city or zip code and retrieve a list of facilities matching your search criteria.
  2. You can search specifically by Facility ID, Application Number, Notice Number or Case Number for a single facility and go directly to the detailed information.

  3. You can search for facilities and schools by location using an interactive map.

You start your search on the main FIND page. 

The fields on the left, which are active when the "Find a Facility" radio button is highlighted, can be used to search broadly for a list of facilities meeting certain criteria (similar names, located on the same street or in the same city or zip code).  The fields on the right, which are each activated for a specific search item by separate radio buttons, can be used to search for information about a specific facility.  The search criteria for a specific facility are:  Facility ID, Application Number, Notice of Violation/Notice to Comply Number or Hearing Board Case Number.  Click here for detailed instructions on how to search using text fields.

Use the link on the main FIND page ("Click here for a detailed map search") to open the interactive facility map to search geographically. 

The interactive map displays AQMD regulated facilities as well as local schools, streets, freeways and aerial images on a map of the South Coast air basin. There are two ways to find facilities geographically.  (1) You can enter a specific street address and buffer distance in the fields on the search tab on the left-hand side of the map screen.  (Note: In order to maintain acceptable performance levels for everyone, the buffer distance from the selected address is limited to five (5) miles.  If your request exceeds this limit you will be asked to refine your search.)  The search will display an enhanced map view and a list of facilities within the selected buffer distance.   Clicking on a listed facility will link back to the detailed facility information.  Or, (2) you can use the cursor to draw a rectangle around the area you are interested in on the map itself.  The map will be automatically re-drawn to represent the area chosen.  Click here for detailed instructions on how to search using the interactive map.

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Additional Information

There are other inquiry modules on our website that allow public inquiry searches by date range or target year. If you need to access your information in this manner click on one of the links below

Click here to access the NOV/NC Public Inquiry System

Click here to access the Public Inquiry System for Emission Inventory Data

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Start Searching!

This page updated: May 09, 2007