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Compliance Inspections

The Inspection Process

AQMD Inspectors use their observations of industrial and commercial processes and equipment to determine compliance with air quality rules and regulations, policies and state law (California Health and Safety Code).  Although each inspection is unique, a series of general guidelines govern inspection procedures in the field. The typical inspection can be broken down into the following components:

  • Pre-Inspection Activities
    These are the activities conducted by the inspector in preparation for the inspection which include the review of: the facility's permits to operate, the facility's compliance history, and other applicable requirements.
  • The Inspection
    While in the company of a facility representative, the Inspector will tour the facility and make observations of equipment, processes and employee practices to determine if facility is operating in compliance with applicable permit and clean air requirements.
  • Closing Conference
    Conducted before leaving the facility, the Inspectors usually discuss their findings with facility representatives during a closing conference, and later document these findings in written inspection reports.

Typically, AQMD earmarks facilities for inspection well ahead of time, however, an air quality complaint received from the public may prompt an unannounced inspection of a facility.