Activity Three: A First Hand Account of African-American Life in the CCC

For homework: Print out and read the document below, "A Negro in the CCC," which is a "first hand" account of black life in a CCC camp published in the NAACP's Crisis magazine in 1935. As you read, highlight or underline evidence that suggests that this man's experience in the CCC was positive. Write a 'P' for positive in the margin next to every reference you think is positive. Also highlight or underline evidence that suggests that this man's experience in the CCC was negative. Write an 'N' for negative in the margin next to every reference you think is negative. After you finish going through the document and making notes as instructed, write a two or three paragraph explanation of why you think the writer "heartily recommends" work in the CCC and why you agree or disagree with his recommendation.

In class: Discuss with your classmates, as instructed by your teacher, the following questions about the text you worked with during your homework exercise.