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New Source Review of Toxic Air Contaminants:

The following link is an Adobe Acrobat copy of Table 2-5-1 from Regulation 2 Rule 5, New Source Review of Toxic Air Contaminants.

Table 2-5-1 from Regulation 2 Rule 5

This table lists Toxic Air Contaminants (TAC) and their trigger levels. Regulation 2, Rule 5 specifies that all permit applications for new and modified sources must be screened for emissions of TACs. If any project emits TACs in amounts that exceed the listed trigger levels, a site-specific Health Risk Screening Analysis (HRSA) is completed by District staff. Estimates of public exposure, and cancer and non-cancer health risk, are made for the maximally exposed residential and off-site worker receptor locations and compared to risk standards (Regulation 2-5-301 and 302). If the emissions from a project are less than the listed trigger-levels, it is assumed that the project does not pose a significant risk to the public and a HRSA is not performed.


Permit Exemptions:

If TAC emissions are equal or greater than one or more of the trigger-levels, a HRSA may be necessary to determine if a source is exempt from permit requirements (see Regulation 2-1-316).



Scott Lutz All air toxics programs (415)749-4676
Daphne Chong

Toxicology, Risk Assessment,
Risk Management

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