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Bernalillo County - New Mexico
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We are committed to protect the Water Resources of Bernalillo County. Bernalillo County is developing incentive programs to help residents save water.

2400 Broadway, SE Building N Albuquerque, NM 87102
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Watering Restrictions Effective April 1st

The Spring Watering Season is almost here.  Watering restrictions under the Bernalillo County Water Conservation Ordinance take effect April 1st each year for all of Bernalillo County regardless of your water source.
The Ordinance prohibits;
  • Sprinkler irrigation between 11:00 AM and 7:00 PM beginning April 1st and ending October 31st each year, and 

  • Water waste. Water waste is defined as water which escapes a property into the right-of-way or onto adjacent property which is not caused by precipitation.  The water waste restriction includes ditch irrigation water, meaning a resident could be cited if they failed to control their irrigation and flooded neighbors or roadways.
Spring is a great time to tune-up your sprinkler system to ensure compliance with the ordinance. 
  • Check your sprinkler system for leaks
  • Check for sprinkler heads that spray onto sidewalks or into the road and adjust accordingly
  • If you have a timer, make sure to set it to water early in the morning or after 7:00 PM
Please help us Conserve to Preserve!  Water is our most precious resource.