U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission
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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Internet Enforcement Program

Archive of Internet Enforcement "Sweeps"

The SEC Office of Internet Enforcement coordinates Internet-related "Enforcement Sweeps," in which similar types of Internet misconduct are targeted for investigation and, where appropriate, prosecution. This allows for the coordinated filing of Enforcement actions and allows the Commission to deliver its message more forcefully and effectively. Past actions of this kind include the following:

  • "SEC Charges 23 Companies and Individuals in Cases Involving Broad Spectrum of Internet Securities Fraud; Nationwide Crackdown Continues With Fifth Internet 'Sweep'; Total Number of Internet Cases Filed Now Stands at Over 200" - March 1, 2001.
  • "SEC Continues Nationwide Crackdown Against Internet Fraud, Charging 33 Companies and Individuals With Fraud For Manipulating Microcap Stocks; Fourth Internet Sweep Brings to More Than 180 the Total Number of Internet Cases Filed" - September 5, 2000.
  • SEC Charges 82 Individuals and Companies in Second Nationwide Microcap Fraud Sweep (July 1999)
  • SEC Brings First Actions to Halt Unregistered Online Offerings of So-Called "Free Stock" (July 1999)
  • SEC Steps Up Nationwide Crackdown Against Internet Fraud, Charging 26 Companies and Individuals for Bogus Securities Offerings (May 1999)
  • Agency Files Four More Cases Against Purveyors of Fraudulent Spam, Online Newsletters, Message Board Postings and Websites in its Ongoing Effort to Clean Up the Internet (Feb 1999)
  • SEC Charges 44 Stock Promoters in First Internet Securities Fraud Sweep (October 1998)



Modified: 06/23/2003