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Selected Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Releases
October - December 2005

The list below provides links to financial reporting related enforcement actions concerning civil lawsuits brought by the Commission in federal court and notices and orders concerning the institution and/or settlement of administrative proceedings. This list only highlights certain actions and is not meant to be a complete and exhaustive compilation of all of the actions that fall into this category.

Release No.
AAER-2358 Dec. 22, 2005 Kenneth R. Lecrone, CPA
Other Release Nos.: 33-8647, 34-53012
AAER-2357 Dec. 15, 2005 Edward A. Heil and R. Bret Jenkins; eSafetyWorld, Inc. (now known as EZ Auctions and Shipping Inc.) and Raymond Burghard
Other Release No.: LR-19494
See also: Complaints in this matter: Heil & Jenkins; eSafetyWorld, Inc.
AAER-2356 Dec. 20, 2005 Lucent Technologies Inc., et al.
Other Release No.: LR-19502
AAER-2355 Dec. 19, 2005 Church Extension of the Church of God, Inc., United Management Services, Inc., James Perry Grubbs and Shearon Louis Jackson
Other Release No.: LR-19500
AAER-2354 Dec. 15, 2005 Gilbert Bergsman, CPA, and Lee Levinson, CPA
Other Release No.: 34-52959
AAER-2353 Dec. 7, 2005 Sidney V. Corder
Other Release No.: LR-19487
AAER-2352 Dec. 5, 2005 Cedric Kushner Promotions, Inc., et al.
Other Release No.: LR-19485
AAER-2351 Nov. 30, 2005 Friedman's Inc.
Other Release No.: LR-19477
See also: Complaint in this matter
AAER-2350 Dec. 2, 2005 Joseph T. Boyle, CPA
Other Release No.: 34-52878
AAER-2349 Dec. 1, 2005 William W. Freise
Other Release No.: LR-19479
AAER-2348 Dec. 1, 2005 James P. Brown
Other Release No.: 34-52864
AAER-2347 Nov. 21, 2005 Donald C. Yount, Jr., CPA
Other Release No.: 34-52813
AAER-2346 Nov. 18, 2005 John D. Parson, CPA and Brendon P. McDonald, CPA
Other Release No.: 34-52792
AAER-2345 Nov. 16, 2005 Jonathan D. Nelson (Defendant), XIT Land & Energy, Inc., Chisum Travel Center, Ltd., Z8 Properties, Ltd., Three Stars Aviation, LLC, and Chisum Coach, Ltd. (Defendants Solely for Purposes of Equitable Relief)
Other Release No.: LR-19467
AAER-2344 Nov. 10, 2005 Salvatore Censoprano, CPA
Other Release No.: 34-52763
AAER-2343 Nov. 3, 2005 Eric Tyra, CPA
Other No.: 34-52726
AAER-2342 Nov. 2, 2005 David G. Zilli
Other No.: LR-19455
AAER-2341 Nov. 2, 2005 Brian Crowley, Robert Henuset, Ritchie Langfield, Frank Lysiak, Ernie Rosenberg, Dale Schulz, and Larry Stone
Other No.: LR-19454
AAER-2340 Oct. 25, 2005 Ocumed Group, Inc., Alfred R. Caggia and Louise A. Cummings
Other No.: LR-19443
AAER-2339 Oct. 20, 2005 Scott Gershon, Paul Cifaldi, Neil Silver and Robert Davis
Other No.: LR-19439
AAER-2338 Oct. 20, 2005 Eric Tyra, Scott Wynne, Peter Berman, and Scott Carey
Other No.: LR-19438
AAER-2337 Oct. 20, 2005 Lucent Technologies Inc., et al.
Other No.: LR-19437
AAER-2336 Oct. 13, 2005 Kenneth L. Rubin, CPA and Michael W. Lewis, CPA
(Finality Order No.: 34-52607)
AAER-2335 Oct. 13, 2005 Thomas Hauke, CPA
Other No.: 34-52597
AAER-2334 Oct. 11, 2005 John Houldsworth, CA
Other No.: 34-52582
AAER-2333 Oct. 6, 2005 KPMG LLP, et al.
Other No.: LR-19418
AAER-2332 Oct. 6, 2005 Fred Gold, John D. Parson and Brendon P. McDonald
Other No.: LR-19417
AAER-2331 Oct. 5, 2005 Duane Kimble and Carene Kunkler and In the Matter of Duane Kimble, CPA, and Carene Kunkler
Other No.: LR-19416
AAER-2330 Oct. 5, 2005 Benjamin Rogatinsky and Reuven Rogatinsky
Other No.: LR-19413
AAER-2329 Oct. 3, 2005 Duane Kimble, CPA and Carene Kunkler
Other Release No.: 34-52554

Modified: 10/26/2006