BHI Quick Hearing Check

Don Harron -
Actor, Writer and Comedian

Canadian comic actor and writer Don Harron is well known for his TV and book character Charlie Farquharson, popular on the Hee Haw television show. Mr. Harron shared the following in his public service announcements for BHI: "My father was awarded the Military Cross at Cambrai in 1919 because he heard the enemy in trenches 200 yards away preparing for a surprise attack. I inherited that sensitive hearing system, but my razor-sharp, 20-20 hearing ended with an accident on the set of my television comedy series. I played an Olympic culler... More

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Fun Facts

  • Cicadas have their hearing organs in their stomachs.
  • Crickets have their hearing organs in their knees.
  • Male mosquitoes hear with thousands of tiny hairs growing on their antennae.
  • Fish do not have ears but they can hear. They hear pressure changes through ridges on their bodies.

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