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Avian Flu (Global Program)
Health Communication
HIV/AIDS and SRH Integration
Infectious Diseases
Malaria (Global Program)
Maternal and Child Health
Research and Evaluation
Reproductive Health
Water & Hygiene (Global Program)

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JHU/CCP at the 2008 International AIDS Conference

CCP will be presenting several posters at the XVII International AIDS Conference in Mexico City, August 3-8.   Click here to see a listing of posters accepted by CCP staff for the conference.

Resources & Services


The Media/Materials Clearinghouse features health communication materials from around the world.


OneSource is the INFO Project's new database that features one-stop access to reproductive health information

Population Reports

Population Reports is designed to provide an accurate and authoritative overview of important developments in family planning and related health issues.


Popline connects to abstracts of scientific articles, reports, books, and unpublished information about population, family planning, and related health issues.

The Pop Reporter

The PopReporter provides news about family planning and reproductive health on a weekly basis.


Photoshare offers access to more than 7,000 photos of health and development issues.


The Reproductive Health Gateway links to more than 75 reliable reproductive health organizations.


The Implementing Best Practices Initiative identifies and applies evidence-based practices that can improve reproductive health outcomes in their countries.

Jim Shelton's Pearls

Jim Shelton's Pearls answers to commonly asked questions about family planning and reproductive health.


The Maximizing Access and Quality Initiative identifies and implements practical, cost-effective, and evidence-based interventions aimed at improving both the access to and quality of family planning and reproductive health services.

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