Green Certification

Green Certification and Ecolabeling

To differentiate your product or service as environmentally sound, you may want to obtain certification from an independent, third-party so that you can include their logo or "ecolabel" on your product's label and other marketing materials. Ecolabeling is important way to market your product to green consumers.

Domestic Certification

International Certification

  • The European Union Eco-Label Program is a voluntary scheme designed to encourage businesses to market products and services that are kinder to the environment and for European consumers
  • Canada's EcoLogo Label program certifies products from the United States and Canada in over 120 categories
  • Germany's Blue Angel program provides ecolabeling for a wide variety products
  • Scandinavia's Nordic Swan allows companies to apply for an ecolabel in over 66 product categories
  • Japan's EcoMark Program provides product certification and ecolabeling for several product types
  • Taiwan's Green Mark and Energy Label programs provide certification and ecolabeling for green and energy efficient products
