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Cumulative Impacts

Cumulative Impacts Working Group

As directed by the Governing Board at its January 2003 meeting, and in conjunction with the September 2002 Environmental Justice Enhancements, staff investigated the feasibility of rulemaking regarding cumulative impacts of air pollution beyond current AQMD requirements.  A  Working Group comprised of representatives of key stakeholder groups from industry and the environmental/community groups was formed to provide input to staff regarding these efforts.  On September 5, 2003, The AQMD Governing Board directed staff to proceed with the Cumulative Impacts Reduction Strategy (CIRS), as outlined in the following White Paper.  Cumulative Impacts is a key component of the 2003-2004 Environmental Justice Workplan.

Cumulative Impacts White Paper ( 2.49Mb pdf file)

Cumulative Impacts White Paper-Appendix

Risk-Based maps
A series of maps in pdf format is available.  The maps show different levels of cancer risk by census tracts.


Environmental Justice Program

Environmental Justice Enhancements: AQMD Governing Board Meeting, September 13, 2002, Agenda no. 34.