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Spaying or Neutering Your Pet

In Bernalillo County there are more animals than there are families who want animals. Over 17,000 dogs and cats were euthanized last year. To help cut down on the number of animals in need of a home, pet owners can help by having their pets spayed (female) or neutered (male).

Benefits of having your pet spayed or neutered:

For the pet:
  • Decreases the chance for several types of fatal cancers and infections
  • The pet is more likely to stay at home which:
    1. Decreases the chance of getting hit by a car
    2. Decreases the chance of being injured in a fight
    3. Decreases the chance of catching fatal diseases from other animals
For the owner:
  • No more messy heat seasons
  • No more stray animals hanging around the house
  • Creates a much better pet who is easier to keep at home
  • Pet is much less likely to bite or be aggressive
  • No expensive puppies or kittens to raise and find homes for
The problem with not having your pet spayed or neutered
  • Most accidental breeding of pets occur in spite of the watchful eye of the owner.
  • A vast majority of these pets end up loose on the streets or in local shelters.
  • Placing all of the puppies or kittens from a litter in another home is not the answer. These animals may end up making more puppies or kittens if the new owner does not have them spayed or neutered.
  • Pet overpopulation is expensive for taxpayers.

The facts about having your pet spayed or neutered

It is best to have a pet spayed or neutered before 6 months of age, however it can be done after 6 months. Both of these procedures are preformed while the animal is completely asleep - there is no pain during the surgery. Most animals are completely recovered within a day or two after the surgery. It does cost money to get a pet spayed or neutered. The cost is part of being a responsible pet owner, just like buying food and getting vaccinations.

Financial assistance is available to help qualifying pet owners spay or neuter their pets.

Bernalillo County offers a financial assistance program for qualifying pet owners to help with the cost of having their dog or cat spayed or neutered. This program is called the Spay/Neuter Assistance Program or SNAP. The program provides financial assistance that covers most of the cost of having a pet sterilized at one of six participating veterinarians. Call 314-0280 to obtain more information about SNAP, or to make an appointment to fill out an application. You must qualify for the program before making an appointment with a veterinarian.

If you have additional questions about responsible pet ownership please call

Bernalillo County  Animal Control and Protection at 314-0280.