HiRISE Learning and Activities Center


Information Sheets   Tutorials  Science Themes  Curriculum Materials  Games & Puzzles  Links


Soon we will be soliciting suggestions from the public for targets for HiRISE to image.  Here you will find a collection of web pages that will help you understand the scientific goals for HiRISE, how the camera operates, and what you need to know in order to suggest a target.  We've also developed some educational activity books, games and other activities that we hope will provide a fun way to learn more about Mars and HiRISE. 

You will also have the opportunity to help in the analysis and interpretation of HiRISE images. HiRISE Clickworkers will provide opportunities for the public to build geologic feature databases for the HiRISE team. Through HiRISE Clickworkers, the public will also be able to vote on which HiRISE images become press release images, and to help prioritize HiRISE image suggestions submitted by the general public with little or no science justifications and other unique opportunities. The first phase of HiRISE Clickworkers is currently in public beta testing. Check it out!


HiRISE Information Sheets: These PDFs give more information about HiRISE.  You will need Adobe Acrobat to view these pages.  If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, click here to download this free program.  


      HiRISE Fact Sheet – this is the official fact sheet of the HiRISE instrument.

      Info sheet for Kids – a handout for elementary school aged kids with fun facts about HiRISE and games (2 pages).

      Info sheet for Teens – a handout geared towards middle and high school students with more information about HiRISE and games (2 pages).

      Bookmarks - bookmarks to print out with images of HiRISE and Mars!


HiRISE Tutorials: These web pages explain the workings of the camera and in the coming months, we plan to open our image suggestion facility, so be sure to check back!


      Lesson One: Camera Basics

      Lesson Two: Resolution and Binning    

      Lesson Three: How to Submit an Image Suggestion tutorial

            Quick Start Tutorial

            Advanced Tutorial    

            Ten Steps to Suggesting a HiRISE Image Target





Science Themes: These pages discuss the science themes for our exploration of Mars. When you suggest an imaging target we will ask you to choose a science theme that best describes your goals for the image.

Climate Change

Aeolian Processes

Fluvial and Hydrothermal processes 

Future Exploration/Landing sites

Geologic Contacts and Stratigraphy

Glacial and Periglacial Processes

Impact Cratering

Landscape Evolution

Mass Wasting

Polar Geology (detailed version)

Seasonal Processes

Sedimentary/Layering Processes

Surface Regolith and Rocks

Surface Composition and Photometry

Tectonic processes

Volcanism  (detailed version)





HiRISE Mars Curriculum Materials: Drafts of our own education resource materials (PDF versions). Student and teacher versions available by clicking on the link to the table of contents.  Comments appreciated! E-mail us!

HiRISE Mars Grades K-3 & up Coloring Book

HiRISE Mars Grades K-3 Activity Book

HiRISE Mars Grades 4-8 Activity Book

HiRISE Mars Grades 9-14 Activity Book

HiRISE Comic: Episode 1: Recon to the Rescue

HiRISE Comic: Episode 2: Recon Learns About Rivers



HiRISE Mars Themed Games and Puzzles: These games will help you learn some of the terminology you need to know to suggest targets and will help you become accustomed to looking at orbital images of Mars.


Links to Other Mars Curriculum materials: These web pages provide additional information and teacher resources on Mars, Mars geology and geography, and imaging the planet.



Information Sheets Tutorials Science Themes Curriculum Materials Games & Puzzles Links


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