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341 Meeting Calendars


  • The default display will show all meetings for the current date.
  • Use the filter items on the left to filter the search results (you may need to scroll down to see them all).
  • When the results appear, they will be sorted by location, then trustee, then date and time, then case.
    • To drill down, click next to the location, then the trustee name, etc.
    • Click to close an area back up.
  • If a case also has hearings currently scheduled in the Court, the case number will be hyperlinked to the Court's calendar. In those cases, simply click the case number to switch to the Court's calendar for that case.
  • For questions regarding a particular case on this calendar, please contact the trustee assigned to the case. The address and phone number of the case trustee is available at the local Office of the U.S. Trustee.

 Click to expand this location Phoenix, AZ - Hearing Room
US Trustee Meeting Room, 230 N. First Avenue, Suite 102
 Click to expand this location Tucson, AZ - U.S. Trustee Meeting Room
James A. Walsh Courthouse, 38 S. Scott Avenue, Suite 140