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Home > Health LibraryPrevention & WellnessV > Vaccine

Search Results 1–20 of 20 Web Pages | Show in Pages | See Categories and Related Topics
Questions About The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
This fact sheet answers commonly asked questions about the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program -- vaccines covered, amounts awarded, and related topics are reviewed. Health Resources and Serv... Details >
National Vaccine Injury Compensation
Adult Immunization Schedule
Immunity can begin to fade over time, and as we age, we become more susceptible to serious disease caused by common infections (e.g., flu, pneumococcus). This table lists vaccines needed by all adults... Details >
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Avian Influenza Vaccines
Learn about the development of vaccines to protect against avian influenza (bird flu).... Details >
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Children and the Flu Vaccine
This page presents recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on which children should get a flu vaccine. CDC recommends that healthy children aged 6 months up through t... Details >
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
FDA Approves First Vaccine to Prevent Cervical Cancer
This document announces the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of Gardasil, the first vaccine developed to prevent cervical cancer, precancerous genital lesions and genital warts due to human... Details >
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
FDA Licenses New Vaccine to Reduce Older Americans’ Risk of Shingles
This news release announces Zostavax, a new vaccine licensed by the Food and Drug Administration that reduces the risk of shingles (herpes zoster) in people 60 and older. Caused by the same virus that... Details >
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Frequently Asked Questions About Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccines  External Links Disclaimer Logo
The human papilloma virus (HPV) infects squamous epithelial cells in the body. Squamous epithelial cells are thin, flat cells that are found on the surface of the skin, cervix, vagina, anus, vulva, he... Details >
American Cancer Society
Frequently Asked Questions about Intussusception and RotaTeq® Vaccine
This page presents frequently asked questions about rotavirus disease and vaccine. Rotavirus is a virus that causes severe diarrhea, often accompanied by vomiting, fever, and dehydration, mostly in ba... Details >
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Hepatitis - Gay and Lesbian Medical Association  External Links Disclaimer Logo
In a resolution adopted in April 1999, the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA) Board of Directors called for universal vaccination against hepatitis A and B for men who have sex with men. It is... Details >
Gay and Lesbian Medical Association
Meningococcal Vaccines: What You Need To Know   External Links Disclaimer Logo
Also available in: Spanish  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Meningococcal disease, a cause of bacterial meningitis, can be a deadly infection. Spread from person-to-person by close contact, a meningitis vaccine can protect you and others from this disease.... Details >
Immunization Action Coalition
Parents and Teens Page - Children's Vaccine Program  External Links Disclaimer Logo
This section addresses parents’ concerns about multiple vaccines, myths and realities and more.... Details >
Children's Vaccine Program
Questions and Answers on FluMist (Influenza Virus Vaccine Live, Intranasal)
This document provides answers to questions about FluMist, which is approved to prevent influenza illness due to influenza A and B viruses in healthy children and adolescents, ages 5-17 years and heal... Details >
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Questions and Answers: Antiviral Drugs for Seasonal Flu
This document answers questions regarding seasonal flu vaccine. The questions cover flu vaccine types, treatment, effectiveness, viruses, and more.... Details >
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Questions and Answers: Seasonal Flu Shot
This document answers questions regarding the seasonal flu shot. The questions cover flu shot effectiveness, risks, side effects, severe problems, and more.... Details >
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Questions and Answers: The Nasal-Spray Flu Vaccine (Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine [LAIV])
This document answers questions regarding the nasal-spray flu vaccine (or LAIV). The questions cover LAIV use, effectiveness, side effects, storage, active ingredient, and more.... Details >
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Questions and Answers: Thimerosal in Seasonal Influenza Vaccine
This document answers questions regarding thimerosal in seasonal influenza vaccine. The document discusses thimerosal, the safety of children as well as pregnant women who receive an influenza vaccine... Details >
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
The Safety of Multiple Vaccines
This page presents questions on the safety of multiple vaccines. Questions answered include how many vaccines the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends for children, why CDC reco... Details >
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
The Smallpox Vaccine and Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema: Frequently Asked Questions  External Links Disclaimer Logo
This page provides answers to frequently asked questions about the smallpox vaccine and atopic dermatitis/eczema. The questions cover why someone who has eczema or atopic dermatitis and their family m... Details >
National Eczema Association for Science and Education
Vaccines& Immunizations
Also available in: Spanish
Vaccines are routinely advised for most people. Speak with your doctor to find out which vaccines are needed to help you and your family stay healthy. ... Details >
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
You Can Prevent Cervical Cancer  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Also available in: Spanish  External Links Disclaimer Logo
This pamphlet is designed to inform you of an important cervical cancer prevention breakthrough for girls and women ages 9–26. The thought of anyone getting cancer can be scary. Fortunately, a combina... Details >
Gynecologic Cancer Foundation

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