The NIH Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP) offers
competitive scholarships to exceptional students from
disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to biomedical, behavioral, and social science research careers at the NIH.
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Meet the Scholars of 2001
Jason M. Wilham

University: Montana Tech of the University of Montana
Hometown: Sand Coulee, MT

NIH Research Project:
Synthesis of Nicotonic Agonists for Structural Activity Relationship Studies

Mentor: John William Daly, Ph.D.
Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

Scholar Picture


I've always been curious about the world, asking myself, "How does this work?" or, "Can I use this to help someone or improve something?" My interest in science started at a young age and has taken root in the research field. I am currently a junior majoring in chemistry at Montana Tech of the University of Montana. I did research at McLaughlin Research Institute from 1995-98, including a summer internship. When I heard about the NIH's Rocky Mountain Lab in Hamilton, Montana, I realized that I could be involved in cutting-edge research and still live in my home state.

My first summer at the NIH, I was involved in analysis of alkaloids found in toads of the genus Melanophryniscus from Argentina. I have now returned for a second summer in Dr. John W. Daly's Section on Pharmacodynamics in the Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. In addition to continuing my analysis of frog and toad skin alkaloids, I have embarked on the synthesis of four nicotinic agonists for biological evaluation. These compounds were developed for treatment of Alzheimer's disease and are related in structure to one of the compounds discovered in frog skin.


