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Cover:   NISTIR 7319 - Toward a Standard Benefit-cost Methodology for Publicly Funded Science and Technology Program

Toward a Standard Benefit-Cost Methodology for Publicly Funded Science and Technology Programs


Jeanne Powell
Economic Assessment Office, ATP

June 2006


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Table of Contents

About the Economic Assessment Office [Inside Front Cover]



Executive Summary

I. Introduction  

II. Rationale and History

III. Similarities and Differences in ATP's Studies

IV. Study Timing and Uncertainties about Future Outcomes

V. Identifying the Counterfactual and Attribution of Benefits

VI. Which Metrics: Social Return on Investment and/or Public Return on Public (ATP) Investment?

VII. Adjusting for Timing Differences across Studies and Projects: Constant Dollars and Base Year for Discounting  

VIII. Conclusions and Future Work


About the Advanced Technology Program [Inside Back Cover] 

About the Author [Inside Front Cover]

List of Tables

  1. ATP's Benefit-Cost Studies to Date
  2. Framework of Analysis
  3. Study Timing and Uncertainties about Future Outcomes: Contrasting Examples
  4. Identifying the Counterfactual and Attribution of Benefits—Contrasting Studies
  5. Which Metrics? Contrasting Projects in Component-Based Software
  6. Which Metrics? Other Contrasting Studies
  7. Adjusting for Timing Differences across Studies and Projects: Constant $ and Base Year (Example 1: Ranking Does Not Change)
  8. Adjusting for Timing Differences across Studies and Projects: Constant $ and Base Year (Example 2: Ranking Changes)
List of Figures
  1. Adjusting to Constant 2005 Dollars
  2. Adjusting Base Year to 2005

Date created: July 11, 2006
Last updated: July 12, 2006

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