Innovation  Forum
Innovation Index
Innovation Issues
IE Blog
About IEI


  Innovation Ecologies Inc.



  Innovation Ecologies Inc. is focused on analyzing and understanding the drivers of innovation in the age of globalization.  As national innovation systems are increasingly subject to trans-national and inter-regional forces, new public policy tools will be required. IEI aims to help understand the processes and develop the necessary tools

IEI is currently working on two major innovation-related projects:

bulletThe Regional Innovation Index, a unique effort to help regions to benchmark their Innovation Ecosystems; and


bulletThe Innovation Forum, a discussion series designed to address components of a National Innovation Strategy, aimed at providing betetr policy options for the next Administration.

This site is owned and managed by North Atlantic Research Inc. To contact project management or to learn about accessing this web site, please contact Dr.Robin Gaster,  301-589-5965


IEI gratefully acknowledges the sponsorship of Earl Technology Group for The Innovation Forum.


The Innovation Forum is sponsored by: