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Bernalillo County - New Mexico
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Bernalillo County recognizes the need to safeguard valuable and vulnerable environmental resources and has implemented many programs and initiatives designed to protect our environment.

Environmental Health

Bernalillo County’s Environmental Health Department routinely inspects domestic wells, septic tanks and all wastewater systems in an effort to protect the groundwater from contamination and harmful chemicals.



Illegal Dumping

Bernalillo County monitors and works with landowners to clean illegal dumping sites that contain thousands of tons of trash including household waste, appliances, tires and hazardous materials like used paint or chemicals that can harm the groundwater. Illegal dumping lowers property values and threatens our quality of life and sense of community.



Bernalillo County’s award winning recycling program allows residents to simply and conveniently recycle items such as paper and cardboard products and aluminum, saving tax dollars and space in an already crowded landfill.


Open Space

Bernalillo County has purchased over 1000 acres of land for preservation as open space that includes pristine tracts filled with evergreens adjacent to the national forest and areas that hold historic and agricultural value.



Water Conservation

Bernalillo County recently adopted a Water Conservation Ordinance that encourages responsible and reduced use of one of our most precious natural resources and provides watering guidelines for residential homes and businesses and specific design and construction regulations for new developments concerning water use.


North/South Valley
Utilities Project

Bernalillo County’s Public Works Division is the lead agency in the design and installation of the South and North Valley Utilities Project that is a joint effort between the County, ABCWUA, the State of New Mexico and the Federal government that has provided approximately   4000 sewer and water connections at a cost of $63 million dollars.