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Bernalillo County - New Mexico
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Road Construction Update

Edith/Montano Reconstruction Project June 2008

Construction to widen Edith Boulevard NE to five lanes from Candelaria Road NE to Montano Road NE (1.3 miles) started in January 2008 and the scheduled completion date remains January 2009.

Construction of curb and gutter and pavement along the east side of the roadway is now completed and two-lane traffic has been shifted onto a portion of the new east side roadway between Montano and Candelaria. The traffic shift from Comanche to Montano was done on June 5, 2008. Construction is now focused on the west side of Edith and consists of mainly pavement removal and utility installation.
Construction to add two additional driving lanes on Montano Road NE from the NM Department of Transportation railroad tracks to the Alameda Lateral (0.5 miles) started in January 2008 and was completed in May 2008. 

In addition, the new Tahoe Drive is open to the public. This new road allows residents on Tahoe Place to access Montano directly. 

Please drive safely.