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Council Creates Task Force to Review City Charter

A task force is being developed to review the City of Albuquerque Charter and make recommendations for proposed revisions.

The City Council at its August 4, 2008 meeting created by Ordinance a task force to review the Charter of the City of Albuquerque and make recommendations for proposed revisions.

The City Charter which created Albuquerque’s Mayor-Council form of government was adopted by voters in 1974. City Charter Review task forces were also established in 1988 and 1998 to revisit the Charter and to make recommendations for improving and refining the Charter in light of changes brought about by population growth, annexation and the complexity of issues facing the City. Both task forces recommended changes to the Charter which were proposed as Charter Amendments and put before the voters in 1989 and 1999. City Council President Brad Winter, co-sponsor of the bill (with Debbie O’Malley) states, “Albuquerque has experienced dramatic growth and change during the past ten years, and it is time that we evaluate how we operate.”

The Task Force will be composed of one member selected by each councilor; five members appointed by the Mayor; and one at-large member, who shall chair the Task Force, selected by the City Council. Council President Winter has selected Herb Hughes as the District 4 Representative to the Task Force. Mr. Hughes, a former City Councilor for District 4 (1987-1991 and 1991-1995), served on the State of New Mexico’s only Constitutional Convention in 1969; the Governor’s Albuquerque Municipal Financing Task Force; and on the first City Charter Review Task Force in 1971. Mr. Hughes was the Director of Bernalillo County’s Finance and Administration Office and taught at the University of New Mexico. He is currently retired and serves on the Board of Hogares. “I am really pleased that Mr. Hughes has agreed to serve on this important task force. He brings a lot of history and expertise on City issues,” said Councilor Winter.

Items the Task Force will be charged with examining include the existing Mayor-Council form of government; the provisions for the separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches; and whether certain appointed positions should be independent of the Mayor and the Council to ensure fairness and accountability to both branches.

The Ordinances requires that the Task Force hold its first meeting no later than September 1, 2008 and provide its recommendation for City Charter amendments in a report to the Council and the Mayor on or before April 6, 2009.

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