Performance & Accountability

Energizing America (pdf)
Energizing America is a report that highlights the management reforms the Department has instituted through implementation of the President's Management Agenda. Agency Performance
Expect DOE programs to perform well and see what steps we’re taking to improve each year.

GAO High-Risk Reports
Since 1990, GAO has identified and reported on government programs and operations at “high risk.” GAO’s High-Risk Series has brought much-needed focus to major program challenges that are impeding effective government and costing billions of dollars each year.

Cover for the 2007 Performance and Accountability Report 

Agency Financial Report
The AFR is organized in three major sections:  executive-level information on the Department’s history, mission, organization, key activities within five strategic themes, analysis of financial statements, systems, controls and legal compliance and other challenges facing the Department; the Department’s consolidated and combined financial statements and the Auditors’ Report; and the  management and performance challenges, Improper Payments Information Act reporting details and other statutory reporting.

Cover for the 2007 Annual Performance Report




Annual Performance Report
The APR provides detailed performance information and descriptions of results by each performance measure, and will be transmitted with the FY 2009 Congressional Budget submission.

Previous year PARs

Cover for the 2007 Highlights Highlights
This document summarizes the Department’s financial and performance information from the AFR and APR using a forward-looking perspective.