National Credit Union Administration

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The NCUA Board supports ongoing state regulatory efforts regarding the issue of predatory lending practices. The NCUA Board would like to commend the State Supervisory Authorities on making the elimination of predatory mortgage lending practices one of their top priorities for the Year 2000.

Although credit unions are generally recognized to be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem of predatory lending, the NCUA Board hereby states its willingness to support State Supervisory Authorities in their efforts to review mortgage lending practices of credit unions as they relate to other types of lenders in order for the states to determine:

  • To what extent, if any, credit union members in their states are being victimized by predatory mortgage lenders;
  • To what extent, if any, credit unions in their respective states can provide alternative mortgage programs to alleviate the need of members to utilize the services of those who engage in predatory mortgage practices; and
  • What, if any, regulations may be warranted at the state or federal level to more effectively regulate the possibility of predatory mortgage lending by credit unions or what regulations, if any, may need to be revised or withdrawn that may conflict with the effectiveness of the individual state’s efforts to prohibit predatory mortgage lending in their respective states.

In order to support the State Supervisory Authorities in this endeavor and to ascertain the information set forth above, the NCUA hereby states its willingness to work on a cooperative basis with the State Supervisory Authorities to review issues of mutual interest and concern related to effective regulation of predatory mortgage lending.

*Final Resolution will appear after publication in the Federal Register