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Letter: Richard Dawkins on the Royal Society row

Letter: Richard Dawkins on the Royal Society row

Before Michael Reiss stepped down as director of education for the Royal Society, Dawkins sent New Scientist his thoughts on the creationism row that blew up last week

Russia may help Cuba build space centre

The head of Russia's space agency says the two countries might also share space communications systems
16:50 17 September 2008

Vatican says it does not owe Darwin an apology

As the Church of England apologises for the way Darwin's ideas were received, the Vatican accepts Darwin's theory but doesn't say sorry
15:24 17 September 2008 6 comments

Invention: Oil-sands digester

Breaking down sticky oil sands when they are underground allows them to be pumped to the surface like normal crude, says a patent application
14:46 17 September 2008 1 comment

Food companies reject clones over consumer fears

Several major food companies, including Nestlé and Kraft, say they won't use cloned animal products, despite FDA approval
14:24 17 September 2008

Rare parrot needs the right feed to breed

Putting the endangered New Zealand kakapo on a version of the Atkins diet may not help it to lay eggs after all
10:30 17 September 2008 4 comments

Fungi break acceleration record to escape dung

Movie Camera
00:01 17 September 2008 17 comments

Crows make monkeys out of chimps in mental test

00:01 17 September 2008 16 comments

Sun may have been thrown far from its birthplace

Movie Camera
00:00 17 September 2008 18 comments

Letter: Richard Dawkins on the Royal Society row

18:52 16 September 2008 140 comments

Royal Society prof resigns over comments

Updated 16:40 17 September 2008 19 comments
The origins of will power

The origins of willpower

Every day we battle to defeat temptation and make the best long-term choices. Helen Phillips discovers the art of self-control
Could the diabetes epidemic be down to pollution?

Could the diabetes epidemic be down to pollution?

Greed and sloth aren't off the hook, but the main cause could be far harder to avoid, says Phyllida Brown
Are humans to blame for Arctic meltdown?

Melting away

As the Arctic ice reaches its summer minimum we look at what's behind the long-term melt
Before and after Hurricane Ike

Ike devastation

These photos show Texas's Bolivar Peninsula on 9 and 15 September, before and after Hurricane Ike struck
Smoky factory

Political science

How much should climate researchers take political sides in their work?
camera lens

Future photos

See the radical ideas that will transform digital photography
Did evolution come before life?

Evolution before life

A crude form of natural selection probably existed in the primordial soup, before life arose on Earth
Transient SCP 06F6

Cosmic firefly

An object that brightened and then disappeared is unlike any other
video roundup linda geddes

Best of the week

Movie Camera
Linda Geddes presents spyplanes that transport blood, waving bees and the first images from the LHC
Happy but dumb?

Happy but dumb?

Miserable kids do better than happy counterparts in cognitive tests, say researchers
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