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SWVaHILI Meeting

The Southwest Virginia Health Information Librarians met at the University of Virginia’s Health Sciences Library on Friday, March 7, 2008.  The focus of the meeting was the introduction of NN/LM’s National Emergency Preparedness and Response plan.  Participants had received the following questions in preparation for the meeting:

  • list any emergency situations that have or could disrupt patient care at your hospital
  • prioritize a list of three services that you feel are most important to your patrons
  • prioritize a list of five online resources that you feel are most important to your patrons
  • prioritize a list of five print resources that you feel are most important to your patrons
  • list any unique resources at your library that would be at risk if your building suffered a disaster
  • what information sources that you provide access to would likely be needed by patient care personnel in the event of a disaster?  What services?

The answers to the questionnaire created a lively discussion about the topic, and generated some helpful feedback.   

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