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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Tuesday, May 06, 2008



Vermont Proclamation for AmeriCorps Week 2008


WHEREAS, since its first class of members joined together in 1994, the AmeriCorps national service program has effectively engaged Americans of all ages and backgrounds in the goal of meeting a wide range of community needs, while promoting the principles of community service, good citizenship and volunteering; and

WHEREAS, AmeriCorps was designed to give Governors and state service commissions, such as the Vermont Commission on National and Community Service, key roles in determining where resources should be directed in order to best meet state and local needs; and

WHEREAS, Vermonters of all ages have admirably answered the call to service, with over 2,250 members having been enrolled thus far in AmeriCorps* State and AmeriCorps* VISTA programs; and

WHEREAS, after their terms of service end, a high percentage of AmeriCorps members continue their service to others by remaining engaged in our communities as volunteers, teachers, public servants and leaders of non-profit organizations; and

WHEREAS, this inaugural AmeriCorps Week is an appropriate time to acknowledge the generous services of current AmeriCorps members, as well as alumnae of this organization, and encourage others to “Get things done for America.”

NOW, THEREFORE, I, James H. Douglas, Governor, do hereby proclaim May 11-18, 2008 as


and encourage all Vermonters to join AmeriCorps volunteers in finding ways to contribute to their communities.

Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Vermont this 6th day of May, A.D. 2008.

James H. Douglas


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