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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Thursday, May 01, 2008



West Virginia Proclamation for AmeriCorps Week 2008 and AmeriCorps Disability Awareness Day


WHEREAS the AmeriCorps national service program, since its creation in 1994, was designed to give a key role to states in deciding where resources should be directed to meet state and local needs through the work of Governor-appointed state service commissions, including the West Virginia Commission for National and Community Service; and

WHEREAS more than 7,280 men and women from West Virginia have taken the AmeriCorps pledge to “get things done for America” by becoming AmeriCorps members since 1994; and those AmeriCorps members have served more than 7.9 million hours, helping to improve the lives of our state’s most vulnerable citizens, strengthen our educational system; protect our environment, and contribute to our public safety, and;

WHEREAS, AmeriCorps Week (May 11-18, 2008) is an opportune time for the people of West Virginia to salute AmeriCorps members and alums for their powerful impact; thank all of AmeriCorps' community partners in West Virginia who make the program possible; and bring more Americans into service;and

WHEREAS the AmeriCorps national service program and the West Virginia Commission for National and Community Service believe that everyone has unique skills and abilities, everyone should be involved in their community, and that everyone can make a difference in their community, including people with disabilities; and

WHEREAS, AmeriCorps Disability Awareness Day (May 15, 2008) is an opportune time to spotlight the various abilities that all West Virginians bring to the community table and recognize the contributions made in West Virginia by persons with a disability, including the more than 394,000 West Virginians (over 23 percent of the state’s population) who have a physical, mental, or other type of disability;

Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved that I, Joe Manchin III, Governor of West Virginia, do hereby proclaim May 11-18, 2008 as:

AmeriCorps Week

and do hereby proclaim May 15, 2008 as:

AmeriCorps Disability Awareness Day

in the Mountain State and encourage all citizens to join me in this observance.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of West Virginia to be affixed.

Done at the Capitol, City of Charleston, State of West Virginia, this the First day of May, in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand Eight and in the One Hundred Forty-fifth year of the State.

Governor Joe Manchin III, Charleston, West Virginia


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