Mission Control Center STS-66 Status Report #14 Thursday, November 10, 5 p.m. CST As the crew on board Atlantis took a few hours off from their duties today, the science instruments they carried into orbit continued observing changes in the Earth's atmosphere. During space flights lasting more than 10 days, flight controllers schedule a few hours of off-duty time for each crew member. This break from the steady pace of activities helps astronauts maintain their high performance levels throughout the mission. The Red Team - - Mission Commander Don McMonagle, Payload Commander Ellen Ochoa and Mission Specialist Joe Tanner -- had its off-duty time Thursday afternoon while the Blue Team -- Pilot Curt Brown, and Mission Specialists Jean-Francois Clervoy and Scott Parazynski -- has Thursday evening off. Maneuvers to orient Atlantis to enhance the science gathering efforts of the Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science continued throughout the day. During the first half of its day, the Red Team also worked with a variety of middeck experiments being carried on Atlantis. The Blue Team is now awake and will continue to monitor ATLAS-3 activities throughout their ninth day on orbit. All systems on board Atlantis are performing well in support of the science-gathering activities as the orbiter circles the Earth every 90 minutes at an altitude of approximately 161 x 158 nautical miles. * * *