Federal Register

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Rewriting a Short Rule: Step by Step

by John Strylowski

Editor's note: Please do not use the following as an example of proper form for the Federal Register. While every effort has been made to conform with FR formatting requirements, this is meant to be a plain language tool, not a formatting tool. Also, this is not meant to be an accurate representation of the text of the CFR relating to this subject matter.

Step 3 - Replace passive voice with active voice, add pronouns, simplify language

  • In § 7.526(b), one long sentence is split into three shorter sentences
  • In § 7.526(c), eliminating lots of excess words makes the sentences shorter and easier to read

§ 7.525 Where can I drive on the beach?

You must follow The operation of a motor vehicle on oversand routes is subject to all applicable provisions of this chapter, including part 4 as well as the specific provisions of this section.

(a)On the beach, you must a vehicle operator will drive in a corridor extending from a point 10 feet seaward of the spring high tide drift line to the berm crest. Delineator posts mark the landward side of the corridor in critical areas.

(b) You An operator may drive below the berm crest only to pass a temporary cut in the beach. You must but will regain the crest immediately following after you pass the cut.

(c) On an inland oversand route, you must a vehicle operator will drive only in a lane designated by pairs of delineator posts showing the sides of the route.

(d) You must not drive on an oversand route is closed at any time that when tides, nesting birds or surface configuration prevent vehicle travel within the designated corridor.

§ 7.526 What must I do when I meet another vehicle on the beach?

(a) If you When two vehicles meet another vehicle on the beach, you must yield ifthe operator of the vehicle with the water is on your on the left will yield.

(b) If you When two vehicles meet another vehicle on a single-lane oversand route, you must the operator of the vehicle in the best position to yield if you are in the better position to yield. When yielding, you must:

(1) will pPull out of the track only so far enough as necessary to let allow the other vehicle to pass safely; and

(2) and then will mMove back into the established track before you drive on resuming the in your original direction of travel.

§ 7.527 What must I do when I get stuck?

(c) If you When the process of make a hole while freeing a stuck vehicle that has been stuck results in ruts or holes, you mustthe operator will fill the rut or hole created by such activity before removing you drive away the vehicle from the immediate area.

§7.528 What activities are prohibited?

You must not:

(a) Drive Driving off a designated oversand route.

(b)Exceed Exceeding a speed of 15 miles per hour unless posted otherwise

(c) Park Parking a vehicle in an oversand route so as to obstruct traffic.

(d) Ride Riding on a fender, tailgate, roof, door or any other location on the outside of a vehicle.

(e) Drive Driving a vehicle across a designated swimming beach at any time when it is posted with a sign prohibiting vehicles.

(f) Operate Operating a motorcycle on an oversand route.

§7.529 May I launch a boat from a designated open route corridor?

You may launch a boat trailering and launching by permitted ORVs in from a designated open route corridor is permitted. You must have an NPS permit for the vehicle that you use to haul your boat.

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