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  Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) Taxonomy
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 GRIN Taxonomy for Plants

Build Direct Links to GRIN TAXONOMY for PLANTS
Web Reports

GRIN TAXONOMY for PLANTS web reports are freely available to be linked from other databases, allowing outside users to pass directly to these reports without the need to re-query a name in GRIN. The method for establishing links to seven of these commonly accessed reports is indicated below. Examples of each report can be seen by clicking the links provided. While the reports clearly indicate the source of the reported data, it would be desirable to alert your users that they are transferring to our site to view these data. If you require assistance in creating or evaluating your links, please contact us.

Species report

This report is also available for many infraspecific taxa, as well as synonyms, and can be set up in two different ways:
  1. Appending a GRIN nomen number (e.g. 410383) as a query string to the url of our taxon report program ( in the manner:
    The full link might thus take the form:
    <a href=""
    title="Link to GRIN Taxonomy for Plants report for Triticum aestivum">Triticum aestivum</a>

    Note: GRIN nomen numbers (taxnos) can be obtained by viewing individual GRIN species reports or downloading the file "".

  2. Appending a scientific (e.g. Triticum aestivum) or common name (e.g. wheat) as a query string to the url of our search program ( in the manner:
    or ""
    The full link might thus take the form:
    <a href=""
    title="Link to GRIN Taxonomy for Plants report for Triticum aestivum">Triticum aestivum</a>

    Note: Scientific or common names must be spelled as in GRIN TAXONOMY for PLANTS, although case and hybrid symbols can be disregarded for scientific names, and case, hyphens, diacritics, and/or spaces for common names. When more than one GRIN scientific name matches to the appended common name, an interim report is provided displaying all matches, each with a link to its species report.

Genus report

This report is also available for certain infrageneric taxa and synonym genera and can be set up in two different ways:
  1. Appending a GRIN genus number (e.g. 12442) as a query string to the url of our genus report program ( in the manner:
    The full link might thus take the form:
    <a href=""
    title="Link to GRIN Taxonomy for Plants report for Triticum">Triticum</a>

    Note: GRIN genus numbers (gnos) can be obtained by viewing individual GRIN genus reports or downloading the file "".

  2. Appending a generic name (e.g. Solanum) as a query string to the url of our search program ( in the manner:
    " genus=Solanum&ferns=ferns&gymno=gymno&angio=angio"
    (no spaces permitted)
    The full link might thus take the form:
    <a href=" genus=Solanum&ferns=ferns&gymno=gymno&angio=angio"
    title="Link to GRIN Taxonomy for Plants report for Solanum">Solanum</a>

    Note: The generic name must be spelled as in GRIN TAXONOMY for PLANTS, although case and hybrid symbols can be ignored. When more than one generic record matches to the appended generic name (e.g. when there is homonymy or an infrageneric classification) an interim report is provided displaying all matches, each with a link to its genus report.

Family report

This report is also available for certain infrafamilial taxa, and many synonyms, and can be set up in two different ways:
  1. Appending a GRIN family number (e.g. 897) as a query string to the url of our family report program ( in the manner:
    The full link might thus take the form:
    <a href=""
    title="Link to GRIN Taxonomy for Plants report for Poaceae">Poaceae</a>

    Note: GRIN family numbers (famnos) can be obtained by viewing individual GRIN family reports or downloading the file "".

  2. Appending a family name (e.g. Poaceae) as a query string to the url of our search program ( in the manner:
    " family=Poaceae&ferns=ferns&gymno=gymno&angio=angio"
    (no spaces permitted)
    The full link might thus take the form:
    <a href=" family=Poaceae&ferns=ferns&gymno=gymno&angio=angio"
    title="Link to GRIN Taxonomy for Plants report for Poaceae">Poaceae</a>

    Note: The family name must be spelled as in GRIN TAXONOMY for PLANTS, although case can be ignored. When more than one family record matches to the appended family name (i.e. when there is an infrafamilial classification) an interim report is provided displaying all matches, each with a link to its family report.

Report of generic list for family

This report is complete for all accepted genera in the family, and includes many synonyms as well, and is set up as follows:
  1. Appending a GRIN family number (e.g. 897) as a query string to the url of our genus list report program ( in the manner:
    The full link might thus take the form:
    <a href=""
    title="Link to GRIN list of all genera for Poaceae">Genera of Poaceae</a>

    Note: GRIN family numbers (famnos) can be obtained by viewing individual GRIN family reports or downloading the file "".

Report of species list for genus

Be aware that this list only contains those species and their synonyms represented in GRIN, and likely does not include all species in the genus. The link may be set up in two different ways as follows:
  1. Appending a GRIN genus number (e.g. 12442) as a query string to the url of our species list report program ( in the manner:
    The full link might thus take the form:
    <a href=""
    title="Link to list of those species in GRIN for Triticum">Species in GRIN for Triticum</a>

    Note: GRIN genus numbers (gnos) can be obtained by viewing individual GRIN genus reports or downloading the file "".

  2. Appending a genus name (e.g. Triticum) as a query string to the url of our search program ( in the manner:
    (no spaces permitted)
    The full link might thus take the form:
    <a href=""
    title="Link to list of those species in GRIN for Triticum">Species in GRIN for Triticum</a>

    Note: The genus name must be spelled as in GRIN TAXONOMY for PLANTS, although case can be ignored. Be aware that, in the case of generic homonymy, this may return species records belonging to more than one genus.

Report of species list matching common name

This report returns all species in GRIN with common names containing a given query string, and is set up as follows:
  1. Appending a common name (e.g. lily) as a query string to the url of our search program ( in the manner:
    (no spaces permitted)
    The full link might thus take the form:
    <a href=""
    title="Link to GRIN list of species with common name '*lily*'">Species with common name matching '*lily*'</a>

    Note: The common name must be spelled as in GRIN TAXONOMY for PLANTS, although case, hyphenation, diacritics, and/or spaces should be ignored. The report provides a list of all species and their common names which match this common name string, each with a link to its species report. If the string also matches the generic common name, common names appear in bold typeface.

Nomenclature summary of genus or species

This report provides a snapshot of GRIN nomenclature for a given genus or species query string, and is set up as follows:
  1. Appending a scientific name (e.g. Triticum aestivum or Triticum) as a query string to the url of our search program ( in the manner:
    or ""
    The full link might thus take the form:
    <a href=""
    title="Link to GRIN nomenclature for Triticum">GRIN nomenclature for Triticum</a>

    Note: The genus or species must be spelled as in GRIN TAXONOMY for PLANTS, and the case of letters is important. When infraspecific names exist in GRIN, a different result will be obtained if the generic epithet in a species name is not initcapped.

Cite as:
USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program.
Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN) [Online Database].
National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.
URL: (15 September 2008)

Last modified: 16 May 2008  
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