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Project Mission
To conduct quantum information related research to:
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Provide solutions for advanced quantum information science and technology to enhance US industrial competitiveness.
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Develop and exploit new calibration and metrology techniques to achieve standardization in the area of quantum information and communication.
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Provide an infrastructure for quantum key distribution metrology, testing, calibration, and technology development.
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R&D 100 Award (2007)

IET Finalist Award (2007)

DoC Bronze Medal (2005)

ITL Outstanding Authorship (2007)

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Most Resent Publications
Lijun Ma Senior Member, IEEE, Tiejun Chang, Alan Mink Member, IEEE, Oliver Slattery, Barry Hershman, and Xiao Tang, "Experimental Demonstration of a Detection-time-bin-shift Polarization Encoding Quantum Key Distribution System", IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 12, NO. 6, June 2008.

Lijun Ma, Tiejun Chang, Alan Mink, Oliver Slattery, Barry Hershman, and Xiao Tang, "Experimental demonstration of an active quantum key distribution network with over Gbps clock synchronization", IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 11, No. 12, P.1019, December 2007.

Alan. Mink, Lijun Ma, Hai Xu, Oliver Slattery, Barry Hershman and Xiao Tang, "A Quantum network manager that supports a one-time pad stream", Proc of the 2nd International Conference on Quantum, Nano, and Micro Technology, St. Luce, Martinique, Feb 10-15, 2008, pp 16-21.

L. Ma, T.Chang, X. Tang, "Detection-Time-Bin-Shift Polarization Encoding Quantum Key Distribution System," Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics/ Quantum electronics and Laser Science Conference 08, CLEO/QELS Technical Digest, QWB4 (2008).

L. Ma, H. Xu, T.Chang, O. Slattery, X. Tang, "Experimental Implementation of 1310-nm Differential Phase Shift QKD System with Up-Conversion Detectors," Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics/ Quantum electronics and Laser Science Conference 08, CLEO/QELS Technical Digest JTuA105, (2008).

Hai Xu, Lijun Ma, Alan Mink, Barry Hershman and Xiao. Tang. " 1310-nm quantum key distribution system with up-conversion pump wavelength at 1550 nm ", Optics Express, Vol. 15, Issue 12, pp. 7247-7260 (May 30, 2007).

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Technical Developments

NIST Design Enables More Cost Effective Quantum Key Distribution:
ITL quantum communication research team have developed a new configuration for quantum key distribution (QKD) systems, in which the minimum number of single photon detectors needed is halved. The new configuration greatly simplifies the QKD structure and therefore reduced its cost.Read more here.


ANTD and Security Division Colaborate to Investigate Integrating QKD into Networks.
ITL's Advanced Networking Division and Security Division are colaborating to investigate the problems and complexity of integrating Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) into existing network security protocols. Exisiting security protocols rely on public key exchange methods to distribute secure keys. When quantum computers are developed such key exchange mechanisms will be broken. Transitioning to future technologies, such as QKD, must be done well before such threats become reality. Read more here.


Record key speed set by fiber QKD system at NIST:
A QKD system, built in ITL, produced quantum secure keys at a rate of more than 2 million bits per second (bps) over 1 kilometer (km) of optical fiber. This is a step toward using conventional optical fiber to distribute quantum crypto keys in local-area networks (LANs).Read more here.


Three-User active QKD network developed by ITL researchers:
ITL researchers have developed a high speed active three-node QKD network, in which the QKD path can be routed by optical switches. Using this network, a QKD secured video surveillance system has been successfully demonstrated. Read more here.
NIST QKD system at 1310 nm combines speed and distance:
NIST researchers developed a quantum key distribution system with photons being transmitted at 1310 nm, where fiber loss is small, and after wavelength conversion, being detected at 710 nm, where single photons can be detected with good performance. Read more here.
Wireless QKD demonstrated by ITL and PL researchers:
Scientists from ITL and the Physics Labarotory tested a QKD by transmitting photons over free space between two NIST buildings that are 730 meters apart. Read more here.
High-speed electronic control board makes NIST QKD system unique:
High-speed electronics boards for controlling the NIST QKD system were designed for both the key sender (Alice) and receiver (Bob). An FPGA on each board allows for complex parallel logic that is reprogramable providing a path for revisions and enhancements. Read more here.
Low-noise frequency up-conversion single photon detector demonstrated by NIST:
Fiber loss is small around 1310 nm and 1550 nm. Single photons can be detected with good performance between 600 and 900 nm. The up-conversion, technology, developed by ITL, helps to solve this dilemma. Read more here.
Error-correction software:
NIST computer scientists have developed a high-speed approach to error correction adapted from telecommunications techniques. This makes it possible to correct bit errors rapidly without time-consuming discussions between sender and receiver and without wasting key bits by revealing it to a potential eavesdropper. Read more here.
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Last updated: August, 2007
Date Created: June, 2007