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Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometry (FTIS) Facility

The Infrared Fourier-Transform (FTIR) Spectrophotometry Facility serves as the measurement facility for characterization of the optical properties of materials in the infrared spectral range of 1 µm to 100 µm, with particular emphasis on the 2 µm to 20 µm region.

The facility is built around several commercial FTIR Instruments. Custom specialized accessories have been developed to enable transmittance and reflectance measurements of a wide variety of sample types and under the variable control of measurement geometry, beam polarization, and sample temperature.

Methodologies and new techniques have been developed for high accuracy measurements. In addition to the directly measured quantities, these have also been implemented for other properties such as refractive index and Mueller matrix elements.

FT-IR setup for transmittance and reflectance

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometers

Bomem DA FTIR Spectrometer

Bomem DA

  • Wavelength range: 0.2 µm to 1000 µm
  • Highest resolution: 0.01 cm-1
  • Internal vacuum / purge, external purge
  • Improved design for stability
  • Versatile, 5 beam ports, source port

BIORAD-60A FTIR Spectrometer

Biorad 60-A

  • Wavelenght range: 0.8 µm - 50 µm
  • Highest resolution: 0.5 cm-1
  • Purge for FT and all instrumentation
  • High stability and repeatability
  • External beam to multiple instruments
  • Step-scan mode for specialized applications

Custom Accessory Equipment
Cryostat for sample temperature control

Cryostat for sample temperature control, 10 K to 600 K (for studying temperature dependence of emittance).
Integrating Sphere with Heaters for Indirect Emittance Measurements

Integrating Sphere with Heaters for Indirect Emittance Measurements (20 °C - 200 °C)
Brewster Angle High Contrast Broadband Polarizer

Brewster Angle High Contrast Broadband Polarizer
Goniometer for Variable Angle Transmittance and Reflectance, Polarimetry and Ellipsometry

Goniometer for Variable Angle Transmittance and Reflectance, Polarimetry and Ellipsometry
Return to Infrared Optical Properties of Materials

For technical information or questions, call:

Leonard Hanssen
Phone: 301-975-2344
Fax: 301-869-5700
E-mail: leonard.hanssen@nist.gov
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Online: November 2006