BART is now on Twitter! Follow us for news, photos and commute color

twitterBART is on Twitter! First we spruced up our website to give you more real-time info and interactive features. Now we’re also on Twitter, the social networking and microblogging service that started right here in the Bay Area.

It’s an experiment of sorts because we don’t know what kind of tweets (the 140-character-or-fewer text updates Twitter users share with each other) riders would like to get from us. We see it as a virtual water-cooler where you’ll get a bit of BART news, suggestions (from us and other riders) for things to do that you can get to on BART, and some "seen and heard on BART" color from our commutes.

The Twitter conversation won’t be the place for you to get official BART Service Advisories or to contact us with your customer service questions.  But it will be a place for connecting with BART and, we hope, having a little fun. If you're already using Twitter, just follow "SFBART" for our updates. We're at www.twitter.com/SFBART. If you haven't used Twitter and want to find out more about it, go to www.twitter.com.

Check out some of our favorite Twitter messages about things being seen and heard on BART this week; the FAQ about our Twitter feed; and details on the $25 gift tickets we are occasionally awarding to some of our favorite tweets about BART.

Happy tweeting!