Lost & Found


Use this form to report a lost item and receive a return email confirming receipt of your claim. If you'd rather report a lost item by phone, please leave a message on our Lost & Found phone line at (510) 464-7090.

Please Note:

  • Don't report the same lost item more than once. Repeated claims by web and/or phone will delay returns.

  • Be specific and provide as much detail as you can when describing your item. Our online form will help to guide you.

  • We will contact you only if a match is found for your claimed item. It may take up to three weeks for us to match your item, retrieve it and contact you. If we don't contact you within four weeks, unfortunately it means that your item wasn't recovered.


*Zip/Postal Code:
( x ( x

Item Description
Select an item from the appropriate category and complete the description as fully and accurately as possible.

Indicate make, model, description / identifiable markings.

Trip Information
Tell us when and where you traveled on BART when you believe you lost the item.

Choose Date