

Operating Budget

The FY 2009 budget reflects the cost of operating an aging system at unprecedented service levels and at a time of uncertainty regarding the economy. Economic forecasts are a concern, and a cautious outlook for next year has been reflected in projections for some of the District's major revenue sources for FY 2009.

FY 2009 Operating Budget (Year ending June 30, 2009) 26k .pdf 

Audited Financial Report

The District's Audited Financial Report was prepared in compliance with the requirements of GASB Statement No. 34 with retroactive effect to the prior fiscal year. It includes the Management's Discussion and Analysis, the Statement of Net Assets, the Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets, the Statement of Cash Flows and the Notes to Financial Statements.

FY 2007 Audited Financial Report (Year ending June 30, 2007) 264k .pdf

Annual Report

The BART Annual Report provides an overview of the District’s financial results and accomplishments for the fiscal year. It includes a statement of revenues, expenses and net assets, performance highlights and a description of District operations.

FY 2006 Annual Report (Year ending June 30, 2006) 2.1 Mb .pdf

Short Range Transit Plan/Capital Improvement Program

The Short Range Transit Plan and Capital Improvement Program (SRTP/CIP) was prepared in compliance with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission's (MTC) guidelines and principles as required by the Federal Transit Administration and the MTC as a condition of grant funding. The SRTP/CIP provides an analysis of BART's funding needs, priorities, and funding strategies for its operations through FY 2017 and for its capital programs through FY 2032 and is a baseline to use when considering important financial decisions.

Short Range Transit Plan/Capital Improvement Program 602k .pdf

Sales Tax Revenue

FY 2008 (4th Quarter) $48,236,577
FY 2008 (3rd Quarter) $51,130,943
FY 2008 (2nd Quarter) $51,875,421
FY 2008 (1st Quarter) $51,389,262
FY 2007 $198,805,258
FY 2006 $191,679,598
FY 2005 $178,391,706
FY 2004 $170,566,337