Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual



Effective Date:  7/31/07

Series:    Delegation

Part 212:   Policy, Management and Budget  

Chapter 10:  Director, National Business Center


Originating Office:  National Business Center


212 DM 10


10.1   Delegation of Authority.  The Director, National Business Center (NBC), is authorized to exercise the program management and administrative authorities necessary to carry out the functions of the position as described in 112 DM 10.  Authorities described in the following Departmental Manual chapters and/or paragraphs that are delegated to the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget are further delegated to the Director, NBC, through the Deputy Assistant Secretary - Business Management and Wildland Fire.  The following delegations are in addition to the delegations made in 212 DM 1:


          A.      205 DM 5 - Administrative Services. 


          B.      205 DM 6 - Budget and Financial Management.


          C.      205 DM 7 - Claims by the United States for Property or Money.


          D.      205 DM 8 - Personnel Management.


          E.      205 DM 9 - Personal Property Management.


          F.      205 DM 11 - Procurement and Contracting.


          G.     Economy Act, 31 U.S.C. 1535


          H.      Franchise Authority, 43 U.S.C. 1467


          I.       Government Management Reform Act, 1994 as Amended, 31 U.S.C. 501 Note


10.2   Use of Military Aircraft.  The authority to make requests to the Department of Defense (DOD) for the use of military aircraft to transport personnel, equipment, and supplies, and to certify the DOI program need and the non-availability of commercial transportation.  Such authority will be exercised in accordance with pertinent DOD directives and related Departmental policy and guidelines as provided in 347 DM 1.


10.3   Buy Indian Act.  The authority under the Buy Indian Act, 25 U.S.C. 47, permitting open market purchasing of products and services produced and performed by Indian Industries; limiting competition to Indian enterprises while operating in complete compliance with the applicable procurement regulations.  This authority is limited to mission requirements of the Office of the Special Trustee.


10.4   Real Estate Appraisal Functions.  The authority to carry out real estate appraisal functions.  All real estate appraisals must be performed pursuant to the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions or the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.


10.5   Indirect Cost Negotiation Services.  The authority to negotiate indirect cost rates with Indian tribes and certain agencies of Insular Areas and state governments.


10.6   Limitations.  All authorities delegated by this chapter are subject to all limitations contained in 200 DM 1, 205 DM 5, 205 DM 6, 205 DM 7, 205 DM 8, 205 DM 9, and 205 DM 11. 


10.7   Redelegation.  Except where further delegation is prohibited by statute, Executive order, or limitations established by other competent authority, these authorities may be further delegated.


7/31/07 #3755

Replaces 6/10/02 #3400 and 8/4/89 #2867