Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual



Effective Date:  6/25/07

Series:  Departmental Management

Part 305:  Departmental Science Efforts

Chapter 2:  Research and Development Council


Originating Office:  Office of the Assistant Secretary - Water and Science


305 DM 2


2.1     Purpose.  This chapter provides policy for the Department’s science efforts and includes the Charter for the Research and Development Council.  (The charter is attached as an Appendix to this chapter.) 


2.2     Scope.  The policy in this chapter applies to all bureaus of the Department and the Office of the Secretary.


2.3     Policy.  It is the policy of the Department that science shall be fully integrated and effectively used in the land and resource regulatory and management policies, practices, and decisions of the bureaus and offices of the Department.


2.4     Research and Development Council.  The Research and Development Council provides a forum for information exchange on research and development in the Department and facilitates implementation of the policy described in paragraph 2.3 above.



Department of the Interior

Research and Development Council




The Research and Development Council (hereinafter the Council) is hereby chartered in the Department of the Interior (DOI) to provide a forum for information exchange on research and development. 


1.       Functions.  The functions of the Council are to:


a.       Provide a forum for discussion of research and development that will enhance scientific innovation, planning, coordination, communication, and effective use of science for decisions made by DOI officials.


b.       Plan, coordinate, and evaluate strategic science priorities to support bureau and office missions, as assigned by senior level officials in the Department.


c.       Facilitate integration, coordination, and leveraging of resources among bureaus in addressing science needs within the Department, as identified and requested by senior level officials.


2.       Membership.  Members include:


a.       The Assistant Secretary - Water and Science, or a designee, who shall also serve as chair of the Council.


b.       The Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget, or designees, may provide policy guidance.


c.       Senior level research and development managers from each bureau and bureau budget office representatives, who are appointed by the bureau director and approved by the appropriate program Assistant Secretary.


3.       Organization


a.       The Council may conduct work through subcommittees or working groups as it deems appropriate.


b.       The Office of the Assistant Secretary - Water and Science will provide staff and administrative support.


4.       Meetings


a.       The Council will meet at least quarterly.


b.       Special meetings may be called by the chair of the Council.


c.       A simple majority of the current members present shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of conducting business.


d.       Decisions may be made by consensus or by a simple majority vote of the members present.


e.       Any member may give a written proxy to another member which shall only be valid for one meeting.


f.        Members may participate in meetings in person, by proxy, or by other suitable means such as teleconferencing or tele-video conferencing.





                                                                                                         /s/ DIRK KEMPTHORNE

                                                                                                         Secretary of the Interior


Date:   6/25/07



6/25/07 #3753

Replaces 12/13/00 #3349