Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual



Effective Date:  9/22/06

Series:  Organization

Part 118:  Minerals Management Service

Chapter 4:  Administration and Budget


Originating Office:  Minerals Management Service


118 DM 4DM 1


4.1     Associate Director for Administration and Budget.  The Associate Director serves as the Minerals Management Service’s (MMS) Chief Information Officer (CIO) and the Deputy Chief Financial Officer (DCFO).  The Associate Director advises the Director on matters relating to budget and financial management as well as all administrative operations.  Administration and Budget assists the MMS in meeting its mission by sound management of its budget and finance systems and through the provision of effective administrative services.  It is responsible for the development and implementation of policies and procedures for these functions, consistent with guidelines from the Congress, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and the Department, as well as other appropriate oversight agencies.  The Associate Director is assisted by a Chief of Staff who is responsible for management and organization analysis activities; personnel and physical security; safety; and support services, including property management, space management, and general office services.  (See organization chart.)


4.2     Budget Division.  The Budget Division administers the MMS budget programs.  The Division is responsible for the development, presentation, and implementation of the MMS budget, consistent with policy guidance and overall budget priorities from the Directorate, the Department, OMB, and the Congress.  It provides liaison with other governmental entities on budget issues.  The Division also justifies budget requests to the Department, OMB, and the Congress including responding to questions from all reviewers, preparation of briefing materials for testimony before congressional committees, and development of appeals and effects statements.   


4.3     Equal Employment Opportunity Division.  The Equal Employment Opportunity Division is responsible for the direction and review of MMS’s equal employment opportunity.  Its goal is to ensure that workforce activities are inclusive and that they promote the full utilization and exchange of skills and talents.  The Division Chief functions as MMS’s EEO Officer, working closely with the Directorate, Associate Directors, and other management officials regarding EEO matters.


4.4     Finance Division.  The Finance Division directs the MMS financial management activities and operates its administrative accounting system.  It develops bureau financial policies, procedures, and guidelines.  The Division prepares and publishes all CFO-related audited financial statements in accordance with prescribed directives and all other regulatory reports as required by the U.S. Treasury, OMB, and the Government Accountability Office.  It also provides accounting services to external clients on a reimbursable basis.


4.5     Human Resources Division.  The Human Resources Division oversees the development and operation of an effective human resources management program for MMS, providing human resources management advice and guidance to MMS managers, supervisors, employees, and other MMS human resources offices.  It furnishes human resources services inclusive of the full realm of employee development functions to MMS Headquarters and SES employees.  The Division also provides operational human resources management services to client organizations under reimbursable agreements as authorized by the Economy Act.


4.6     Information Management Division.  The Chief, Information Management Division, serves as the Deputy CIO and provides overall management of the MMS enterprise IT operations.  The Division is responsible for the program direction and review of the MMS information management and capital planning activities.  The Division coordinates MMS’s information management activities among the various program entities with the Department and with other external Federal and non-Federal entities. 


4.7     Procurement Division.  Headed by the Bureau Procurement Chief, the Procurement Division is responsible for the bureauwide policy, guidance, and management of the procurement and Federal Financial Assistance (i.e., cooperative agreements and grants) functions.  The Division is also responsible for planning, awarding, and administering contracts; Federal Financial Assistance cooperative agreements and grants; and related services in support of MMS program offices.  It also provides policy and guidance on the Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act Inventories, OMB Circular A-76, and oversight and execution of cost comparison studies; cost and price analysis services; small and disadvantaged small business utilization program; managing the bureau IDEAS Procurement Desktop systems; Federal procurement data; and the purchase card program.


4.8     Administrative Service Centers (ASCs).  The ASCs provide day-to-day administrative support, including advice and consultation to staff within their servicing area.  These responsibilities cover the full range of personnel, procurement, property, general services, and ADP systems support and are implemented within delegated authorities.  The ASCs are located as follows:


          A.       Southern Administrative Service Center

           New Orleans, Louisiana


          B.       Western Administrative Service Center

                    Lakewood, Colorado.


9/22/06 #3734

Replaces 9/2/05 #3681