Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual



Effective Date:  10/7/05

Series:  Organization

Part 112:  Policy, Management and Budget

Chapter 16:  Office of Occupational Health and Safety


Originating Office:  Office of Occupational Health and Safety


112 DM 16


16.1   Office of Occupational Health and Safety.  The Office of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is responsible for developing Department-wide policies that protect lives, property, and natural resources by promoting an integrated approach to managing a diverse group of risks.


16.2   Functions.  The Office serves as the Departmental focal point for integrated policies on occupational safety and health.  It performs the following functions:


         A.     Develops and interprets Departmental policies related to the safety and occupational health of employees, medical health and industrial hygiene services, and safety of visitors, volunteers and contractor employees.  (See 485 DM.)


          B.     Represents the Department and the Designated Agency Safety and Health Official (DASHO) in the oversight, coordination, and support of Departmental safety and occupational health programs to ensure proper implementation.


          C.     Serves as the principal Departmental representative to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and other government and non-government agencies and organizations involved in development of occupational safety, health, and medical standards and programs.


          D.     Conducts inspections and evaluations of bureau safety and health policies and programs for consistency and compliance with policies, standards, and regulations.


          E.     Develops and maintains the Department=s Safety Management Information System (SMIS) for accident reporting, analysis of safety and health statistics and costs, and dissemination of safety and occupational health information and other resources.


           F.     Works in collaboration with other organizations with responsibility for other types of risks including the Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance, the Office of Law Enforcement and Security, and the Watch Office.


         G.      Provides leadership and coordination among the bureau Occupational Health and Safety Programs through the Department’s Safety and Occupational Health Council, which includes bureau and office Safety and Occupational Health Managers.


         H.     Provides SafetyNet, the Department’s safety and health information network that offers an on-line, shared, safety and occupational health resource bank for all Department of the Interior bureaus and offices.  Supports the Voluntary Protection Program.


          I.        Sponsors and provides leadership to a variety of collaborative efforts including councils, committees, and working groups designed to develop common approaches to multi-bureau risk management problems and issues.


16.3   Organization.  The Office is headed by a Director who reports to the Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer under the Deputy Assistant Secretary - Performance, Accountability, and Human Resources.  The Director serves as the Department=s recognized expert, technical authority, point of contact, and advocate for safety and occupational health programs.  The Director is responsible for the development, direction, coordination, and execution of the Department policies, standards, and procedures governing safety and occupational health programs.  As the principal risk manager, the Director provides leadership to ensure compliance with legal, regulatory, and policy requirements to reduce risk and liabilities within the Department.  As the Deputy Designated Safety and Health Official, the Director serves as a member of the Emergency Management Council and EC-6 Continuity of Operations Plan, which requires 24/7 emergency on-call for response and/or deployment.  The Director carries out the functions of the office with assistance from staff grouped into an interdisciplinary team that covers the functional areas described above.  The Director and Secretary are located in Washington, DC, and the OHS Team is located in Denver, CO.  The Team reports to the Denver Office supervisor, and the supervisor reports to the Director.


10/7/05 #3685

Replaces 11/17/00 #3348