Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual



Effective Date:  3/29/05

Series:  Federal Assistance Programs

Part 507:  Program Information and Data

Chapter 2:   Federal Assistance Communication Requirements


Originating Office:  Office of Acquisition and Property Management


507 DM 2


2.1     Purpose.  This policy establishes a Department-wide framework for improved transparency and information access in the area of Federal financial assistance.  Effective communication is key to the proper and efficient administration of legislatively mandated or authorized assistance programs.  This policy complies with the requirements of the Federal Financial Assistance Management Improvement Act of 1999 (Public Law 106-107) and it supports the Department’s goals of effective public engagement.  Implementing requirements for improved communication promotes and serves to:


          A.      Increase transparency in the Department’s financial assistance-making processes.


          B.      Assist in reducing the burden on prospective recipients, members of the public, and the Congress, by providing an avenue for DOI and its bureaus/offices to improve communications.


          C.      Streamline and standardize initiatives.


          D.      Facilitate greater coordination between financial assistance programs.


          E.      Provide information on financial assistance programs.


          F.      Reduce information collection errors.


2.2     Scope.  This policy applies to all bureaus and offices with responsibility for financial assistance programs. 


2.3     Authorities.  The Federal Financial Assistance Management Improvement Act of 1999, Public Law 106-107.


2.4     Definitions.


          A.      Federal financial assistance” is aid that provides support or stimulation to accomplish a public purpose.  “Financial assistance” includes grants, cooperative agreements, and other agreements authorized by law, that transfer money or that transfer property in lieu of money, by the Federal Government to an eligible recipient.


          B.      Federal financial assistance personnel” include those individuals with roles and responsibilities for award, administration, program, and/or policy.


2.5     Policy.  It is the policy of the Department that bureaus and offices establish a unified approach to information collection and communications across all programs, among bureaus, and with the recipient community and members of the public.  Bureaus and offices are required to develop and implement a Financial Assistance Communications Improvement Plan and designate a Federal Financial Assistance Communication Liaison.


2.6     Responsibilities.


          A.      Heads of Bureaus and Offices have overall oversight responsibility for their bureau’s/office’s financial assistance programs to ensure:


                   (1)     Accurate and timely financial assistance-related communication, information collection and reporting within their bureau/office;


                   (2)     Effective information exchange with other bureaus/offices, with the Office of Acquisition and Property Management (PAM), and other stakeholders;


                   (3)     Increased transparency in the financial assistance process through improved communication;


                   (4)     A Bureau/Office Financial Assistance Communication Liaison is designated to serve as a primary point of contact for information on the bureau’s/office’s financial assistance programs;


                   (5)     PAM is provided with the name of the designated bureau/office Financial Assistance Communication Liaison;


                   (6)     PAM is provided with a Financial Assistance Communication Improvement Plan for review and approval;


                   (7)     Policies and procedures are in place to promote efficient and effective communication with and by appropriate Federal financial assistance personnel;


                   (8)     Supplementary guidance to this policy is developed and implemented, as appropriate.


          B.      The Director, PAM, is responsible for reviewing and approving bureau/office Financial Assistance Communications Improvement Plans.


          C.      Federal Financial Assistance Communication Liaisons.  As the designated “go to” person for information and information quality assurance related to his or her bureau’s/office’s financial assistance activities, the Financial Assistance Communication Liaison need not be an expert in every bureau/office financial assistance program, but does know where to obtain additional information.  Federal Financial Assistance Communication Liaisons are responsible for:


                   (1)     Contacting appropriate personnel within their bureau/office for further details on all programs in order to respond to inquiries;


                   (2)     Establishing procedures to ensure that financial assistance-related information is appropriately disseminated within their respective bureau/office;


                   (3)     Routinely interacting with Departmental offices, bureaus, and their own bureau/office Federal financial assistance personnel.


2.7     Federal Financial Assistance Communications Improvement Plan Requirements.  Bureau/Office Federal Financial Assistance Communications Improvement Plans must include:


          A.      A description of the process in place or a plan (including implementation timetable) for improving the quality, timeliness, and accuracy of communication:


                   (1)     among their bureau/office Federal financial assistance personnel and programs;


                   (2)     with the PAM;


                   (3)     with other bureaus/programs; and


                   (4)     with members of the public, the recipient community, and members of Congress and their staffs.


          B.      The bureau’s/office’s actions and process (in place or planned) that demonstrate a commitment to improving transparency in its financial assistance-making process through accurate profiling and posting of program opportunities at FIND and APPLY;


          C.      A process to ensure that Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) numbers are obtained for programs, and CFDA information is current;


          D.      A process for ensuring that financial assistance transactions are accurately and timely reported (including the Federal Assistance Award Data System transactions); and


          E.      Designation of the Bureau/Office Financial Assistance Communication Liaison to include:


                   (1)     Name


                   (2)     Address


             (3)     Phone number


             (4)     Fax number


             (5)     E-mail address


          F.      Bureaus and offices will review and update, as appropriate, their Financial Assistance Communications Improvement Plan on an annual basis.


3/29/05 #3672
