Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 11/29/88

Series: Special Programs

Part 757: Surveying and Mapping

Chapter 1: General

Originating Office: U.S. Geological Survey


This chapter has been given a new release number.* No text changes were made.

757 DM 1

1.1 Purpose. This chapter provides background and scope for the succeeding chapters of this part that prescribe policy, responsibility, coordinating arrangements, and procedures for Departmental administration of its own surveying and mapping activities and its assigned responsibilities for coordinating Federal surveying and mapping activities.

1.2 Background.

A. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-16. In 1953 the Bureau of the Budget, now the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), issued Circular A-16 to improve programing and coordination of mapping and geodetic surveying activity in the Federal Government. This Circular established procedures and responsibilities for Federal surveying and mapping activities directed toward meeting the needs of Federal and State agencies and the public, and set forth OMB=s responsibility for programing and coordination of surveying and mapping.

Circular A-16 was revised in May 1967, assigning to the Departments of the Interior, Commerce, and State, certain responsibilities for the coordination of surveying and mapping activities (see Appendix 1). The Secretary delegated to the Geological Survey the responsibilities assigned to the Department of the Interior. Following the procedures set forth in the revised Circular, the Geological Survey established a system for coordinating the participation of Federal agencies in matters relating to the National Mapping Program. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) established an interagency Federal Geodetic Control Committee (FGCC) to coordinate geodetic surveying activities.

B. Federal Interagency Coordinating Committee on Digital Cartography (FICCDC). Coordination of digital cartographic activities of Federal agencies was assigned to the Department of the Interior through the April 4, 1983, memorandum from the Director, Office of Management and Budget. The FICCDC was established to coordinate the collection and use of digital cartographic base data within the Federal Government. The Geological Survey has the responsibility for this coordination activity under its statutory authority to conduct the National Mapping Program.

C. Interagency Cadastral Coordination Council (ICCC). The Secretary of the Interior, by letter dated April 9, 1980, to the Honorable Sidney R. Yates, Chairman, Subcommittee on Interior and Related Agencies, Committee on Appropriations, 96th Congress, established the ICCC to coordinate Federal cadastral surveying activities. The Bureau of Land Management has the responsibility for this coordination as a part of its cadastral surveying activities and statutory authority.

D. Federal Mapping Task Force (FMTF) Report, July 1973). This OMB report documented the findings of a comprehensive study of the civil agency mapping and surveying programs, related activities, and supporting research and development activities. The report made significant recommendations for Federal mapping, charting, and geodesy program improvements and organizational changes. Subsequently, the Department has taken positive action toward increasing responsiveness to national mapping requirements and toward improving coordination in surveying and mapping activities.

1.3 Scope. In order to implement the Department=s position on Federal mapping and surveying policy and programs coordination, systems have been developed for coordination and program planning both within the Department of the Interior and with other agencies as described in paragraph 1.2. In addition, the Department coordinates its cadastral, engineering, geodetic, and cartographic surveying activities through lead agency assignments; has established the National Mapping Program (defined in 757 DM 3) to meet base mapping needs of the Department, other agencies and the general public; has developed the National Cartographic Information Center to provide a central information system for all users including the general public on aerial photography, surveying, mapping, and related data; and coordinates its mapping and surveying research and development. The Department=s policies and programs for implementing each of these areas are explained in 757 DM 2 (Surveying) and 757 DM 3 (Mapping).


757 DM 1

Appendix 1


Executive Office of the President

Bureau of the Budget

Washington, DC 20503

May 6, 1967 CIRCULAR NO. A-16



SUBJECT: Coordination of surveying and mapping activities

1. Purpose. This revised Circular describes the responsibilities of Federal Agencies with respect to coordination of the Federal surveying and mapping activities described in paragraph 2, below. It rescinds and replaces Circular No. A-16, dated January 16, 1953. Exhibits A, B, C, and D to that Circular will remain in effect until replaced pursuant to paragraph 4 of this Circular.

2. Coverage. The coordinating procedures established by this Circular extend to all surveying and mapping activities financed in whole or in part by Federal funds which:

a. Can contribute to the National Topographic Map Series of the United States and outlying areas of sovereignty and jurisdiction, the National Atlas of the United States of America, the National Networks of Geodetic Control, or such other national geodetic control and topographic mapping programs as may be established; or

b. Result in cartographic representation of international boundaries other than those of the United States with Canada and Mexico.

Surveying and mapping activities conducted or supported by a Federal agency to meet specific program needs of the agency which are not met by the national surveying and mapping programs specified in paragraph 2A above and which cannot practicably or economically contribute to the national programs are excluded from coverage. Determination of the surveying and mapping activities which are required to meet program needs is the responsibility of the program agency. However, evaluation of the potential contribution of those activities to a national surveying or mapping program should be made by such agency in consultation, or pursuant to a general agreement, with the responsible agency as described below.

3. Responsibility for coordination.

a. The Department of the Interior is responsible for the National Topographic Map Series of the United States and outlying areas of sovereignty and jurisdiction and for the National Atlas of the United States of America. It also operates the Map Information Office, which collects and furnishes to potential users information concerning aerial photography, topographic mapping, and survey data available from Federal agencies for general use, and the sources from which they may be obtained.

In carrying out these functions the Department exercises Government-wide leadership in assuring coordinated planning and execution of its national topographic mapping, National Atlas, and map information activities and the cartographic activities of other Federal agencies related thereto, including activities financed in whole or in part by such agencies to the end that:

(1) The topographic mapping, National Atlas, and map information needs of Government agencies and the public at large are met in the most expeditious and economical manner possible with available resources;

(2) All mapping activities financed in whole or in part by Federal funds contribute to the national topographic mapping program when it is practicable and economical to do so; and

(3) Aerial photography, topographic mapping, and survey data produced by Federal agencies are conveniently accessible for use in meeting the cartographic needs of other Federal agencies and federally assisted programs.

The Department will also arrange through periodic meetings or other appropriate means, for an exchange of information among Federal agencies concerning technological developments in civilian agencies with respect to cartographic activities.

b. The Department of Commerce is responsible for the National Networks of Geodetic Control and publishes status maps of geodetic control which meet the standards for inclusion in the national networks.

In carrying out this function the Department exercises Government-wide leadership in assuring coordinated planning and execution of its national geodetic control surveys and the related survey activities of Federal agencies, including activities financed in whole or in part by such agencies, to the end that:

(1) The geodetic control needs of Government agencies and the public at large are met in the most expeditious and economical manner possible with available resources; and

(2) All surveying activities financed in whole or in part by Federal funds contribute to the National Networks of Geodetic Control when it is practicable and economical to do so.

c. The Department of State exercises Government-wide leadership to assure that cartographic representatives of international boundaries, other than those of the United States with Canada or Mexico, by all Federal agencies are consistent and conform to United States foreign policy.

4. Establishment of coordinating mechanisms. Each agency named in paragraph 3 above will, in consultation with other Federal agencies concerned, establish such standards, procedures, interagency agreements, and other mechanisms as are necessary to carry out its Government-wide coordinating responsibilities and to replace, where required, Exhibit A, B, C, or D of this Circular.

5. Responsibilities of other Federal agencies. Each Federal agency is responsible for (a) cooperating as requested in the development of appropriate coordinating mechanisms; (b) supplying necessary information to the coordinating agency concerning its cartographic requirements, programs, activities, and products; and (c) conducting its surveying, mapping, and product distribution activities in a manner which provides effective Government-wide coordination and efficient service to the general public.

6. Differences among agencies. Any major differences which cannot be resolved through consultation among agencies with respect to the coordination of cartographic activities covered by this Circular may be referred by the head of any agency concerned to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget.



Acting Director


11/29/88 #3552

Replaces 11/29/88 #2821

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