Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 7/19/71

Series: Library Services

Part 481: Library Management

Chapter 3: Gifts and Exchanges

Originating Office: Office of Library and Information Services


This chapter has been given a new release number.* No text changes were made.

481 DM 3

3.1 Purpose. In order to promote the collection of scientific and scholarly publications within fields of interest to the Department. Department of the Interior publications which are issued for general distribution will be available for exchange with societies, institutions, libraries, governmental agencies and other publishing bodies in the United States and abroad. Insofar as possible such exchanges should be on an equivalent basis and the Department may require an exchange agreement when proper. Gifts of such material to the Department should also be encouraged.

3.2 Scope. Publications received in the conduct of official business shall be recognized as property of the Government. Non-record publications received in Washington shall be assigned to the custody of the Natural Resources Library, or the Geological Survey Library. Reprints, pamphlets, single issues and monographs of an ephemeral nature received outside exchange arrangement may be accepted. Such publications received outside Washington shall be assigned to appropriate bureau or office libraries where such libraries exist.

3.3 Responsibility. The Natural Resources Library shall be responsible for receiving and recording gift or exchange material received in Washington; and when appropriate, exchange arrangements may be negotiated in addition to those initiated by the bureaus. The heads of bureaus and offices will be responsible for all other operations related to the exchange of publications.

3.4 Procedure. The Natural Resources Library and the individual bureaus will maintain close liaison in negotiating exchange agreements. The NRL shall be notified in writing of all exchange agreements involving listing on mailing lists. The libraries of the Department will monitor exchanges and keep bureaus and offices advised of delinquencies in receipts under these exchange agreements. Exchange correspondents may be instructed to address publications to the assigned library. However, bureau identification also may appear in the address in order to facilitate the exchange arrangements. In some instances such as where (a) extra copies are sent, (b) where particular publications are needed immediately to meet deadlines, exchange publications may be addressed directly to bureaus or offices under agreement with the libraries.

3.5 Deposit of Bureau and Office Publications. As a basic part of the Gifts and Exchange program, and to provide for the orderly collection and preservation of research publication and other recorded knowledge of permanent or other special value developed within the Department of the Interior, the libraries of the Department may require the deposit of such publications.

A. Provisions. Publications defined in paragraph 481 DM 1.5C and cooperative publications which will serve the purpose stated above shall be included. Other issuances such as administrative memoranda having permanent or other special value may also be included. Reprints or articles published in technical journals or writings of Departmental personnel not published by the Government are excluded. As a general rule each library should receive a complete collection of the publications of the bureau or office it serves and pertinent publications issued by other bureaus and offices in the Department.

B. Distribution. It shall be the responsibility of each bureau or office to provide three copies of each of its publications to the Natural Resources Library and one copy to any bureau or office library in the same bureau or office as the issuing office. It shall be the responsibility of each library to request additional copies of publications if needed or to request publications from offices outside the bureau or office served.


7/19/71 #3483

Replaces 7/19/71 #1315



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