Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 1/19/71

Series: Public Lands

Part 612: Grasshopper Control Program

Chapter 1: Policy and Responsibility

Originating Office: Bureau of Land Management


This chapter has been given a new release number.* No text changes were made.

612 DM 1

1.1 References.

A. Section 1 of the Joint Resolution of May 9, 1938 (52 Stat. 344) provides as follows:

AThat the Secretary of Agriculture, in cooperation with the authorities of the States concerned, organizations, or individuals, is authorized and directed to apply such methods for the control of incipient or emergency outbreaks of insect pests or plant diseases, including grasshoppers, Mormon crickets, and chinch bugs as may be necessary.@

B. The Memorandum of Understanding approved by the Secretaries of Interior and Agriculture on August 20, 1956 and July 24, 1956 respectively, provides in part as follows:

ATo implement this legislation annual acts providing appropriations to the Department of Agriculture carry funds for the control of incipient and emergency outbreaks of insect pests and plant diseases, including grasshoppers, Mormon crickets, and chinch bugs on all lands regardless of ownership. No estimates of needs for the control of such pests are submitted by the Department of the Interior.@

AThe basic plan for the control of these pests outlined above from legislation enacted by the Congress requires close cooperation between the several responsible bureaus and agencies of the Federal Government that are participating in this work. Range and agricultural lands in different ownership often are intermingled in checkerboard pattern necessitating coordinated and integrated action programs on lands subject to the respective administrative authorities of Federal, State and private agencies in order to achieve the objectives set forth by the Congress.@

1.2 Department Policy.

A. It is the policy of the Department that the bureaus concerned with the management and protection of agricultural and range lands collaborate to the fullest possible extent with the Department of Agriculture in the development and execution of coordinated work programs to eliminate duplication of effort and assure that the activities and responsibilities of the respective Departments are conducted in such manner as to accomplish the maximum benefit to the public at the least cost.

B. Use of pesticides on lands under the jurisdiction of the Department will be in accordance with the Departmental Pesticide Policy (See 517 DM).

C. The Department of the Interior has reserved the right to render final judgment on the necessity for control operations on its own lands.

D. The Assistant Secretary - Public Land Management is primarily responsible for the coordination of the program within the Department and for maintaining the necessary liaison with the Plant Pest Protection Division of the Agricultural Research Service of the Department of Agriculture.

E. The bureaus shall cooperate with the field offices of the Plant Pest Protection Division in the planning and development of grasshopper and Mormon cricket control projects on the agricultural and range lands under their respective jurisdictions.

1.3 Department of Agriculture. Responsibility for the administration of the existing legislation is vested in the Secretary of Agriculture. (See 612 DM 1.1A). He has delegated authority to carry out this responsibility to the Plant Pest Protection Division of the Agricultural Research Service. This includes responsibility for all pre- and post control surveys, for all technical advice and guidance relating to proposed and actual control projects for budgeting and for initiating and providing the leadership for the conduct of all authorized pest control projects.


1/19/71 #3445

Replaces 1/19/71 #1264

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