
Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 3/12/99

Series: Safety Management

Part 485: Safety and Occupational Health Program

Chapter 6: Inspections and Abatement

Originating Office: Office of Managing Risk and Public Safety

485 DM 6

6.1 Purpose. To specify the minimum Safety and Occupational Health Program (Program) requirements for conducting formal inspections of establishments and timely abatement of identified hazards.

6.2 Reference. 29 CFR 1960, Subpart D, Inspection and Abatement.

6.3 Requirements.

A. Each bureau will formally inspect all establishments under its control at least annually. More frequent inspections will be conducted when there is increased risk of accidents.

B. Formal inspections will be conducted by persons who are trained in hazard recognition and safety and health inspection procedures. An opportunity will be provided for participation by a representative of the workplace/facility manager and an employee representative. If the establishment contains classified information, the inspector must have an appropriate security clearance. The inspector may deny the right of accompaniment to any person whose participation interferes with the inspection.

C. Preoccupancy inspections for safety and health considerations will be conducted by safety and health professionals or other qualified person(s). Based on the inspection findings, the responsible safety and health manager will recommend occupancy of the space or identify corrective actions needed to bring the space into a safe and healthful condition. (See 29 CFR 1960.34.)

D. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Departmental safety and health professionals will have right of entry without delay, at reasonable times, to any facility, construction site, or other Departmental workplace to perform an inspection. They will also have the right to inspect any item or place within the establishment, and to question, privately, any employee, supervisor, visitor, or manager associated with the establishment. (See 29 CFR 1960.31.)

E. If an imminent danger condition is found, the management official in charge will initiate corrective/protective action immediately and, if necessary, stop the operation and/or evacuate the area, except for those needed to abate the condition.

F. Each bureau will require persons conducting formal inspections to:

(1) Have the necessary equipment to conduct the inspection.

(2) Examine appropriate accident records and previous inspection reports.

(3) Hold an opening conference with the establishment manager.

(4) Consult with employees on matters of safety and health.

(5) Inform management and employees of imminent danger conditions.

(6) Take environmental samples, where appropriate.

(7) Comply with safety rules and practices.

(8) Take or obtain photographs, where appropriate.

(9) Avoid unreasonable disruption of the operation.

(10) Hold a closing conference with the appropriate level(s) of management and the employee representative(s) to disclose the findings of the inspection. Potential solutions for hazardous conditions should be presented. The management and employee representative(s) will be afforded an opportunity to bring other information to the attention of the inspector regarding conditions in the workplace.

G. Within 15 calendar days of completing a formal inspection (30 calendar days for items dealing with health), a written "Notice of Unsafe or Unhealthful Working Conditions" will be conspicuously posted at or near each place a hazardous working condition exists, if practical, until the condition is abated or for 3 working days, whichever is longer. If not practical, the Notice will be posted where it is readily observable by all affected employees.

H. The Notice will contain the following information and be provided to the appropriate levels of management and employee representative(s) participating in the inspection:

(1) Identification of the location of the hazard.

(2) Description of the nature and extent of the hazard.

(3) Reference to applicable safety or health standards.

(4) Establishment of a reasonable time for abatement of the hazard.

I. Sufficient unannounced inspections and follow-up inspections should be conducted to determine that hazardous conditions are appropriately corrected.

J. The establishment manager will promptly ensure that the appropriate supervisor or manager prepares an abatement plan with the help of the safety and health staff, if needed, for those deficiencies which cannot be abated within 30 calendar days. A copy of the plan will be given to the appropriate safety and health office and to the local safety and health committee, or to employees' representative(s). The abatement plan will include:

(1) Explanation for the delay in abatement.

(2) Proposed timetable for the abatement.

(3) Summary of the steps being taken in the interim to protect employees.

(4) Person(s) responsible for abatement.

Note: If the plan of action changes, a new plan will be prepared.

K. If abatement of a hazardous condition is not within the authority and resources of the organization, management will:

(1) Inform the respective bureau safety and health office and inform and protect the potentially affected employees.

(2) Request assistance from higher bureau levels.

(3) Coordinate, when necessary, with the Federal lessor agency; for example, General Services Administration (GSA), to secure abatement as specified in 29 CFR Part 1960, Subpart E and 41 CFR Parts 101-21. Standard Form 386, Quality Deficiency Report, will be prepared and sent to the GSA when appropriate.

L. If OSHA arrives to conduct an inspection of a Departmental establishment:

(1) The bureau or local safety office will be notified immediately so a safety and health or management representative may be assigned to accompany the OSHA inspector.

(2) The inspection findings, recommendations, and abatement schedules will be communicated to the bureau safety and health office.

M. Routine workplace inspections will be made by supervisors and/or safety and health committees as specified by the bureau.

3/12/99 #3236

Replaces 6/10/91 #485A-1

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