
Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 3/12/99

Series: Safety Management

Part 485: Safety and Occupational Health Program

Chapter 4: Safety and Health Standards, Procedures, and Guidelines

Originating Office: Office of the Secretary, Office of Managing Risk and Public Safety

485 DM 4

4.1 Purpose. To specify the minimum Safety and Occupational Health Program (Program) requirements for the development and adoption of safety and health standards, guidelines and procedures if Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) or other Federal or adopted national consensus standards do not meet Departmental needs.

4.2 References.

A. 29 CFR 1960, Subpart C, Standards.

B. Section 6 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHAct).

C. Public Buildings Act of 1959, Section 21, Compliance with Nationally Recognized Codes.

4.3 Requirements.

A. Bureaus will comply with applicable Departmental, OSHA and other Federal agency standards, Executive Order 12196, and adopted national consensus standards. Where conflicts exist among these standards, the most appropriate requirement will be used. Bureaus may establish more stringent requirements.

B. If essential standards do not exist or existing standards are not adequate, the Office of Managing Risk and Public Safety (MRPS) and/or bureaus will develop them, using the following process:

(1) The developing organization prepares a statement for the Secretary of the Interior to use in notifying the Secretary of Labor of the Department's intent to develop an alternate standard. The statement is routed through MRPS and the Departmental Designated Agency Safety and Health Official.

(2) The proposed standard is provided for comment to affected employees or their representatives.

(3) The final draft of the standard is sent to the Secretary of Labor through channels prior to final adoption, along with any written comments on the standard from employees or their representatives.

(4) With the Secretary of Labor's approval, the standard may be adopted by the Department.

C. When Departmental employees work jointly with employees of other Federal agencies and conflicts exist between the agencies' standards, the more stringent of the standards will apply unless other agreements are reached between the agencies.

D. Departmental employees will comply with adopted standards, consistent with laws and regulations of State and local governments, when they do not conflict with more stringent Departmental standards.

E. Special requirements applicable to and adopted by the Department will include:

(1) Highway Safety Act of 1973, as amended.

(2) Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986, as amended.

(3) Construction Safety Act of 1969, as amended.

(4) 29 CFR Parts 1910, 1915, 1918, 1925, 1926 1928 and 1960, as amended.

(5) Service Contract Act of 1965, as amended.

(6) Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of 1968, as amended.

(7) National Fire Codes (latest edition).

(8) American National Standards (ANS) (latest edition).

(9) Uniform Building Code (latest edition).

(10) 40 CFR Parts 162, 165, 170 and 171 (Pesticides), as amended.

(11) 49 CFR Parts 171-179 and 397 (Hazardous Material Transport), as amended.

(12) 24 CFR Applicable parts, Housing and Urban Development regulations on lead-based paints, as amended.

3/12/99 #3234

Replaces 6/10/91 #485A-1

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