
Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 5/6/97

Series: Administrative Services

Part 314: Printing and Publications

Chapter 5: GPO Regional Printing

Originating Office: Office of Information Resources Management

314 DM 5

5.1 Bureau Processing Responsibilities. Except for orders submitted to the Government Printing Office (GPO) Central Office and those placed by bureaus on contracts authorized by GPO, all orders must be forwarded to the Government Printing Office Regional Printing Procurement Office (GPO-RPPO) including jobs procured through Unicor. GPO will determine the area of bid competition.

A. The printing request must be in accordance with the laws pertaining to the expenditure of public funds for printing, and the requisition shall conform to the requirements of the "Government Printing and Binding Regulations."

B. If there are Departmentwide or local area term contracts in place for the purpose of procuring printing or composition; and if these contracts fulfill the required needs, they should be considered by all bureaus as a potential cost savings.

C. Bureaus which order printing through the GPO-RPPO's should designate a local representative to act as the official bureau GPO-RPPO liaison regarding local printing and distribution matters. A list of bureau personnel serving as liaisons to the GPO-RPPO's should be maintained at the headquarters level.

5/6/97 #3153

Replaces 12/6/91 #2927

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