Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 9/8/93

Series: Information Resources Management

Part 375: IRM Program Management

Chapter 8: Electronic Office Equipment Accessibility for Individuals with Disabilities

Originating Office: Office of Information Resources Management

375 DM 8

8.1 Purpose. This chapter establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for providing individuals with disabilities (employees and others who use the Department's electronic office equipment) equivalent access to electronic office equipment, telecommunications systems, data bases, operating systems, and application programs.

8.2 Application and Scope. This is a mandated Federal program to be implemented by all bureaus and offices. This chapter covers all acquisition and management of Federal information processing (FIP) resources of the Department to ensure reasonable accommodation for employees and others with disabilities who use the Department's electronic office equipment.

8.3 Background. In 1986, Congress reauthorized the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, (P.L. 99-506, 29 U.S.C. 794d) adding Section 508 on electronic office equipment accessibility "... to insure that handicapped individuals may use electronic office equipment with or without special peripherals." In October 1992, Congress amended 29 U.S.C. 794d (P.L. 102-569) adding Section 509, Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Guidelines, to help ensure that individuals with disabilities have comparable access to electronic information and data.

8.4 Definitions.

A. Computer Accommodation means the acquisition or modification of FIP resources in a manner that accommodates the functional limitations of individuals with disabilities to promote productivity and provide access to work-related and/or public information resources.

B. Electronic Office Equipment/Information Accessibility means the application or configuration of FIP resources in a manner that accommodates the functional limitations of individuals with disabilities to promote productivity and provide access to work-related and/or public information resources.

C. Handicapped Individuals or Individuals with Disabilities means individuals with an impairment(s) as defined in 43 CFR 17, Subpart E, who can benefit from electronic office equipment accessibility. In general, this means individuals with a vision, hearing, or mobility impairment.

D. Special Peripheral means a special needs aid that provides access to FIP resources that are otherwise inaccessible to individuals with disabilities.

8.5 Authority.

A. P.L. 99-506, new section 508 (29 USC 794d), Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1986, extends the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and establishes Governmentwide policy for computer accommodation to ensure that individuals with disabilities may use electronic office equipment with or without special peripherals.

B. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and implementing regulations in 43 CFR 17, Subpart E, require all federally conducted programs and services be made accessible to people with disabilities including employees.

C. The Telecommunications Accessibility Enhancement Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-542), among other requirements, requires the Federal Government's telecommunications systems be made fully accessible to hearing and speech impaired individuals.

D. FIRMR Bulletin C-8, Information Accessibility for Employees with Disabilities, January 30, 1991, provides information and guidance regarding agencies' responsibility to meet the special FIP resource accommodation needs of individuals with disabilities.

E. FIRMR Bulletin C-10, Telecommunications Accessibility for Hearing and Speech Impaired Individuals, January 30, 1991, provides guidelines for acquiring products and services that provide telecommunications accessibility for hearing and speech impaired individuals for communication with and within Federal agencies.

F. Managing Information Resources for Accessibility, December 1991, published by GSA, presents guidance to Federal managers and other personnel who are unfamiliar with the policy and practice of information accessibility to accommodate users with disabilities and provide for their effective access to information resources.

G. GSA Bulletin FPMR H-45 -- Transfer of Specialized Equipment Used by Handicapped Federal Employees, September 10, 1985. This bulletin publicizes available procedures for the transfer of specialized equipment when an employee with a disability transfers from one Federal agency to another (FPMR 101-43.315-5(a)).

H. P.L. 102-569 new Section 509, Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Guidelines, amends P.L. 99-506 by updating Section 508 so reference to electronic and information technology means any equipment, software, interface systems, operating systems, or interconnected system or subsystem of equipment used in the acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data or information.

8.6 Responsibilities.

A. The Director, Office of Information Resources Management (PIR), Office of the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget, will exercise oversight responsibility for coordination and compliance with the policies of this chapter, specifically for:

(1) Promoting the establishment of accessible information environments as required by statute.

(2) Advocating the use of accessible technology to support the employment and advancement of individuals with disabilities.

(3) Developing Departmentwide policies and guidelines for electronic office equipment accommodations.

(4) Representing the Department as a member of GSA's Council on Accessible Technology (COAT).

(5) Providing liaison to GSA's Federal-wide Clearinghouse on Computer Accommodation (COCA).

(6) Determining whether an assessment has been made of the special electronic office equipment needs of employees with disabilities in FIP resource acquisitions requiring Departmental approval.

(7) Granting individual deviations from the FIRMR for any acquisition limited solely to providing electronic office equipment accessibility for employees with disabilities. Granting individual deviations from the FIRMR are limited to those provisions that (1) are not specifically prescribed by statute or executive order; (2) do not change the level of procurement authority delegated from GSA; and (3) impede or obstruct the acquisition of technology for employees with disabilities (FIRMR 201-3.4).

B. Heads of Bureaus/Offices are responsible for ensuring electronic office equipment and telecommunications accessibility for individuals with disabilities and should assign responsibility to a member of the bureau/office staff specifically for:

(1) Identifying functional and/or performance requirements for end users with disabilities whenever a bureau/office operating unit determines requirements for end users.

(2) Identifying and implementing end user computing environments that accommodate the requirements of end users with disabilities.

(3) Using either small purchase procedures, GSA nonmandatory schedule contracts for FIP resources, or formal solicitations to acquire electronic office equipment accessibility. In making this decision, bureaus/offices will consider the size and complexity of the procurement.

8.7 Reporting Requirements. Annual reports will be required as part of the Federal IRM Review Program. Reporting requirements change annually and are usually issued by PIR in July of each year. In addition, GSA requires annual reporting on compliance with the implementation of this policy. Because GSA reporting requirements change from year to year, PIR will coordinate the response to these reporting requirements with bureaus/offices when received from GSA.

9/8/93 #2983


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