Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 7/9/84

Series: Information Resources Management

Part 381: Origination of Records and Information

Chapter 10: Interagency Reports

Originating Office: Office of Information Resources Management

381 DM 10

10.1 Purpose. This chapter implements the management requirements for interagency reports clearance as spelled out in 5 CFR 1320 and 41 CFR 101-11.11. It provides information on definitions, exemptions, identifying reporting costs, clearance requirements, and related information.

10.2 Policy. No bureau or office may request a report from any other Federal agency without prior review and approval of the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Budget and Administration and the Office of Information Resources Management, General Services Administration (GSA).

10.3 Preclearance Discussions. As soon as a requirement for a new or revised interagency report is anticipated, contact the Department=s Interagency Reports Coordinator, Office of Information Resources Management (PIR). This contact should be made before submitting the formal clearance request described in 381 DM 10.5 so that discussions can be initiated with GSA, as prescribed in 41 CFR 101-11.1105-1(a).

10.4 Review and Clearance Procedures.

A. New or Revised Reports.

(1) Any request for a new report, and any revision or cancellation of a previous report will be prepared as a memorandum to the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Budget and Administration (PBA) specifying the need and authority for the new report, the reasons for the revisions suggested, or the fact of the cancellation. The request memorandum will be accompanied by the forms and documents as prescribed in 381 DM 10.5.

(2) The requesting bureau or office will route the memorandum through its Assistant Secretary to the Assistant Secretary - PBA for clearance and approval. Bureau and office procedures will ensure that the pertinent bureau/office reports management unit has reviewed and approved all such requests. The Office of Information Resources Management will coordinate the review for the Assistant Secretary - PBA and return a copy of the approved request to the originator.

B. Previously Cleared Reports. Clearance for previously approved reports must be renewed in advance of the expiration date assigned by GSA. If no revision is being made to the report, submit the documents required by 381 DM 10.5 through the bureau/office reports management unit to the Department coordinator. No cover letter is necessary.

10.5 Documents Required. The following forms and documents must be submitted when requesting or renewing clearance for interagency reporting requirements:

A. Standard Form 360. An original and two copies of Standard Form 360, Request for Clearance of an Interagency Reporting Requirement, are required. Copies of this form are available from GSA stores or the Department=s Interagency Reports Coordinator. Items on the form are self-explanatory; however, note the following:

(1) Item 7: A certification statement regarding the applicability of Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) must be included. Use one of the certification statements in 41 CFR 101-11.1107-4(b).

(2) Item 9: The costs entered in these blocks are derived from the Summary Worksheet for Estimating Reporting Costs, Optional Form 101. See paragraph C, below.

(3) Item 10: Item 10 is reserved for the signature of the Department=s Interagency Reports Coordinator in PIR.

B. Supporting Justification. An original and two copies of the supporting justification are required. The justification must address the seven items prescribed in 41 CFR 101-11.1106-3(c) and must be signed by the appropriate bureau/office official.

C. Optional Form 101. An original and two copies of Optional Form 101, Summary Worksheet for Estimating Reporting Costs, are required. Copies of this form are available from GSA stores or the Department=s Interagency Reports Coordinator. Guidance for estimating reporting costs is furnished in 41 CFR 101-11.1106.

D. Proposed Report. Three copies of the proposed reporting form or format that responding agencies will use are required.

E. Proposed Directive. Three copies of the proposed directive, letter, or other communication that will be sent to respondents to request the report are required. (See 41 CFR 101-11.1105-1(d) for the prescribed contents of a directive/communication).

10.6 Post-Clearance Requirement. After receiving GSA approval for the report, the prescribing bureau or office will forward two copies of the directive requiring the report to the Department=s Interagency Reports Coordinator, PIR.

10.7 Records on Interagency Reports. Each bureau and office will maintain a listing of its interagency reports cleared by GSA.

7/9/84 #2581

Replaces 4/25/78 #2086


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