Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 10/26/81

Series: Organization

Part 109: Secretarial Officers

Chapter 6: Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks

Originating Office: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks

109 DM 6

6.1 Program Assignments. The Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks discharges the duties of the Secretary with the authority and direct responsibility for programs associated with the development, conservation, and utilization of fish, wildlife, recreation, historical, and national park system resources of the Nation; and represents the Department in the coordination of marine environmental quality and biological resources programs with other Federal agencies. This position is established pursuant to the authority contained in 16 U.S.C. 742b(a).

6.2 General Responsibilities. The Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks is responsible for:

A. Maximizing the effectiveness of program operations of subordinate bureaus and offices.

B. Serving as the primary Departmental contact in assigned program areas for policy related activities, which include identifying policy needs, developing and reviewing policy proposals, and interpreting established policy.

C. Initiating proposed legislation and regulations concerning assigned program areas, reviewing legislative and regulatory proposals for consistency with approved policy, and overseeing implementation of the legislation and regulations as appropriate.

D. Ensuring that program goals are identified for assigned functions, that they support Departmental objectives, and that results are measured against them.

E. Ensuring appropriate consultation with all affected parties on assigned substantive program matters, including bureau and office heads, the Secretary, the Solicitor, other officials within the Office of the Secretary, the Office of Management and Budget, other governmental agencies, Congress, and private groups and individuals.

6.3 Supervisory Authority. The Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks exercises Secretarial direction and supervision over the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Park Service.

6.4 Scope of Activities. In carrying out the responsibilities described in 109 DM 6.2, the Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks:

A. Prepares proposals for consideration by the Secretary through reconciling, adjusting, and amalgamating individual policy proposals and program plans submitted by subordinate bureaus and offices.

B. Exercises oversight of policies, operations, and effectiveness of interagency and interdisciplinary programs involving issues related to assigned program functions.

C. Sets program priorities based on Secretarial policies, demonstrated effectiveness of existing programs, and current and impending program problems and needs; and makes recommendations for allocating personnel, resources, and functions using recommendations of subordinate bureaus and offices.

D. Undertakes or provides staff leadership for special projects designed to explore and develop, for Secretarial approval, policies and programs resulting from proposals by civic and industrial groups, State Governments, legislators and other Departments of the Executive Branch, foreign governments, and international bodies which bear upon or affect assigned program functions.

E. Represents the Secretary in interpreting and communicating assigned program activities to various groups and to the general public; maintains liaison with members of Congress and committee staffs, and testifies before Congressional committees on budgetary matters and legislative proposals; represents the Department in contacts with other governmental agencies; and with various private users and public interest groups; and solicits and utilizes, as appropriate, information related to assigned program areas from each of these extra-Departmental sources.

F. Is responsible for assigning responsibility for the execution, within available resources, of all laws and Executive Orders imposing obligations on the Secretary with respect to assigned programs.

G. Serves as United States Commissioner of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, established by convention between Canada and the United States to improve and perpetuate the fishery resources of the Great Lakes.

10/26/81 #2354

Replaces 1/8/79 #2141

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